Truth Warrior

Friday, August 26, 2005

How God Communicates.

God communicates to us in two ways. One way is called general revelation, or nature. That is, through what can be seen and understood. All around us there is visible evidence of the invisible God. The beauty of the earth, sky, and sea and everything that is in them shows forth God’s creative work. One can look and see that there is a God who communicates through nature. (see Rom. 1)

Secondly, God communicates through special revelation that is God speaks to us directly. When we open the Bible or hear it read we are hearing God’s Word. The Bible makes this claim, and as far as I know, no other religious book comes close to this claim. Read for yourself, what the Bible essentially says of itself:

A. I am the words of God (Jer. 1: 1-9
B. I am the commands of God (1 Cor. 14:37)
C. I have been revealed by God (Gal. 1:11,12)
D. I am the Word of God (1Thess. 2:13)
E. I am inspired by God (2Tim. 3:16)
F. I am the product of the Holy Spirit (2Pet. 1:21)

With all of this going for the Bible, why wouldn’t we want to take in some of God's Word every day? I am reminded of the evangelist D.L. Moody who said, “This Book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this Book.” I hope you can take time to read or hear God’s Word today.


  • Your welcome! Feel free to visit here too.

    By Blogger J. Wendell, at 30/8/05 6:55 AM  

  • Hi John,

    How would you God's communication in the sense of being led by the Spirit? Just in your daily walk?

    By Blogger loren, at 8/10/05 12:48 PM  

  • Good question Loren,
    I'm glad you asked it! I have noted your blog on a similar topic and feel you gave a sound history on the many ways God lives and moves in the hearts and minds of anthropos. I believe (not to limit the Almighty in any way) that He still communicates in some of those ways: circumstance, providence, preaching, godly counsel, and parental advice.

    I do not give much weight to sopping wet fleece, or a feeling of peace. Humans can, and often are, betrayed by such things. I hear expressions such as, "you can just feel His Spirit!" I wonder if Jim Morrison, Alister Crowly, and Timothy Leery gave the weight to "feelings" that Robert Tilton, Oral Roberts, and Benny Hinn do. I think they did, and were decieved.

    The way God speaks to me daily is as stated ... through His inerrant Word. As I read His word, I am building a "bank" of information in my heart which He brings to my mind when I need it. This also points out the importance of memorization.

    I am ever mibdful of the fact that He wants us to be doers of His Word as well as hearers.

    I hope this answers your question. May God richly bless you, Loren.

    By Blogger J. Wendell, at 8/10/05 3:34 PM  

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