Hold the Line!
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Jude 3
I expressed to fellow contenders that I feel a need to “fall back and regroup”. This does not mean I am going to backslide. It certainly does not mean I am going to lose my salvation. If you don’t have knowledge of the military it basically means being positive your priorities are in the best order. Soldiers and Vets recognize this as a battle strategy meaning to make sure you are moving in the right direction, with the right objective, to be the most effective.
No, this is not a sermon, I didn’t start with a joke, nor will I end with a poem.
“Hold the line” has nothing to do with the telephone; again it is a military strategy not to let the enemy advance.
To all in “the faith” may I urge you to "hold the line" while I take some time to "fall back and regroup."
To my Covenant friends, I am not put off because of you. I mean to offend none, and none have run me off.
In His Fellowship,
Brother John
I expressed to fellow contenders that I feel a need to “fall back and regroup”. This does not mean I am going to backslide. It certainly does not mean I am going to lose my salvation. If you don’t have knowledge of the military it basically means being positive your priorities are in the best order. Soldiers and Vets recognize this as a battle strategy meaning to make sure you are moving in the right direction, with the right objective, to be the most effective.
No, this is not a sermon, I didn’t start with a joke, nor will I end with a poem.
“Hold the line” has nothing to do with the telephone; again it is a military strategy not to let the enemy advance.
To all in “the faith” may I urge you to "hold the line" while I take some time to "fall back and regroup."
To my Covenant friends, I am not put off because of you. I mean to offend none, and none have run me off.
In His Fellowship,
Brother John
You asked in a previous entry why didn't your message get through clearly? I look at myself as one of the reasons, where I read things from people different from me, in the worst possible light. Please forgive me.
Earl Flask, at 7/11/06 8:56 AM
We are here brother. Don't sweat the small stuff brother Earl. You are a great blessing to all of us out here. I am the one that can get Peterish and reactionary, but in these particular areas I am convinced and persuaded...of course we all need to take stock of how we communicate and I am forever endeavoring to do that.
But then again...we are all works in progress I guess and we are all so wired differantly by our wonderful Creator.
Bhedr, at 7/11/06 3:11 PM
Brother John, having our eyes opened to the sad state of the church and the teachings being promoted can truly be disheartening. However, we must use this as a means of helping to focus our eyes upon Christ, the author and perfector of our faith.
I have found that apologetics can be an unending battle, one that must be waged as part of the greater picture, declaring the glory of God and the riches of Christ.
Our emphasis should first be on witnessing to the lost and discipling the babes in Christ. After that, we can contend for the faith once for all delivered.
The hardest nut to crack is a belligerent christian who thinks he has cornered the market on doctrinal correctness.
Stay in the fight, grace be yours in abundance.
Jim, at 8/11/06 10:37 AM
Amen Jim,
You know I was thinking today that the State of the church is kind of like the mafia or something. Its like Rome has here umbilical chord always seeking a vice to suck everyone back towards her. This is why I do so fully believe that the way of men like Billy Graham have grafted this new age and trying to burn off that chord will prove to be difficult if at all possible. In reality the trogan horse has come in by way of it, but if we could all but seperate and go back to the day at the turn of the 19th century where men and women were coming out of apostacy then it would be great, but unfortunately 50 years later neo-evangelicalism grafted and weaved liberalism and fundamentalism back together so well that no one knows which way is up or even where the light at the end of the tunnel is...but mind you if you get a chance to spring free...do it.
If we would heed the command to seperate then we would begin to doctrinally heal I believe and clarity would come back for all of us.
Bhedr, at 8/11/06 4:21 PM
I totally took the thing the wrong way and probably will continue to.
I feel like Christians have truly become unable to function like the first century church did or refuses too. Where have all of the churches gone that truly will come together not because they are of a certain age or because they are of some certain status, but come together because of the greatness of Christ and praise His name telling of his great love and not be so concerned with their self-importance.
I believe the idea of seperation from other believers has gone too far in many and most cases. This is why online I spend most of my time reading theology from those I disagree with so that I can understand their perspective and not consider myself to be the end all of understanding. Many of my friends only listen to one area of theology and are so unaware of some great brothers and sisters in Christ to worship with.
I have such a distance to go in my walk with the Lord that I need all the help I can get to focus on the Lord with many friends in the faith.
I'm very saddened in these last days for our churches that the love for the body has grown cold toward one another. I believe this call for excessive seperation will continue to erode the body of Christ where there is no need to.
I believe there is a great study on what the body of Christ is supposed to look like, people from so many different perspectives willing to come together for all thing centered upon Christ and His Word rather than our own focus on our worldly corner on the theological market.
Shawn, at 9/11/06 8:20 PM
For example, I read more Antonio and other Free Gracers than John MacArthur than anyone else?
Though I'm not a "Free Grace" guy in the sense of other people I am learning alot by reading from those whom I disagree with.
I believe Christ is glorified in a body of believers coming together from so many backgrounds enthralled with Christ together. It shows the fact that we are living for something else than our own turf, but His Glory has brought us together to display His greatness and share his love for the world of humanity.
I remember Paul talking about a "famous faith" and if the body can function as we are called we will be displaying his greatness to the World to be totally different from the World.
Shawn, at 9/11/06 8:32 PM
Hey Shawn,
I just want you to know that I love you guy. Your joy for the Lord is a testimony to me. As is your selflessness in being a husband and a Father. I have learned so much from you over the last few months. May you continue to draw closer to him. Thanks for at least trying to understand even though you disagree with us.
This seperation from the SBC has been one of the hardest things I have ever gone through and just having friends in the midst of all of this whether they agree or disagree is a blessing.
Patrick Henry was a friend to seperatist and even helped them even though he disagreed and ohh what a man of God he was.
Bhedr, at 9/11/06 9:27 PM
I'm starting to get rope burn.
Bhedr, at 24/11/06 11:05 PM
Is this tug-of war? What happens if I suddenly let go? :o)
Earl Flask, at 26/11/06 11:18 PM
Come on, John. Give us a good old-fashioned Baptist post.
Matthew Celestine, at 27/11/06 3:43 PM
Please don't or I might break your flask:-)
Bhedr, at 27/11/06 7:35 PM
Holy beaker batman! :o)
Earl Flask, at 28/11/06 12:37 AM
Thanks for all your visits. I am preparing to re-enter.
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 28/11/06 7:07 AM
Great, looking forward to it brother John.
Earl Flask, at 28/11/06 5:24 PM
Bhedr, at 29/11/06 10:15 PM
" I am preparing to re-enter."
Number 1?
Make it so!
Bhedr, at 2/12/06 3:31 PM
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