Books I Recomend
Have you ever wondered what books the Earnest Contender would recommend for those who wish to begin building a good library? Here are a few books and works that I recommend for anyone to begin building a respectable theological library. These will aid the learner and the teacher with good tools to enhance the pursuit of Theological enrichment. Feel free to opine.
In His Fellowship,
Brother John
*Ryrie's Study Bible
Scofield's Study Bible
The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (Zodhiates)
*The Webster’s Dictionary
*Baker’s Dictionary of Theology
Unger’s Bible Dictionary
The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times (Gower)
The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church
*Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
Halley’s Bible Handbook
The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the O.T. (Walvoord & Zuck)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the N.T. (Walvoord & Zuck)
Commentary of the Whole Bible (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown)
Thru the Bible (five book commentary) (McGee)
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary
Evidence that Demands a Verdict (McDowell)
*A Survey of Bible Doctrine (Ryrie)
Elementary Theology (Bancroft)
Christian Theology (Bancroft)
Basic Theology (Ryrie)
Systematic Theology (Chafer)
*Basic Bible Interpretation (Zuck)
Hermeneutics (Virkler)
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Scofield)
Dispensationalism Today (Ryrie)
Dispensationalism: Mining the Treasures of God's Word (Pickering)
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility (Fisk)
Knowing God (Packer)
The Genesis Flood (Whitcomb/Morris)
Jesus was a Jew (Fructenbaum)
The Holy Spirit (Ryrie)
Angels Elect and Evil (Dickason)
Here I Stand (DeCourcy)
Doctrine and Administration of the Church (Jackson)
In Pursuit of Purity (Beale)
Biblical Separation (Pickering)
Things to Come (Pentecost)
Foot Steps of the Messiah (Fruchtenbaum)
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (Nestle/Marshall)
*If you are a new Christian or are having a hunger to learn, these are the ones that I would obtain and begin using first.
In His Fellowship,
Brother John
*Ryrie's Study Bible
Scofield's Study Bible
The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible (Zodhiates)
*The Webster’s Dictionary
*Baker’s Dictionary of Theology
Unger’s Bible Dictionary
The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times (Gower)
The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church
*Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
Halley’s Bible Handbook
The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the O.T. (Walvoord & Zuck)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the N.T. (Walvoord & Zuck)
Commentary of the Whole Bible (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown)
Thru the Bible (five book commentary) (McGee)
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary
Evidence that Demands a Verdict (McDowell)
*A Survey of Bible Doctrine (Ryrie)
Elementary Theology (Bancroft)
Christian Theology (Bancroft)
Basic Theology (Ryrie)
Systematic Theology (Chafer)
*Basic Bible Interpretation (Zuck)
Hermeneutics (Virkler)
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Scofield)
Dispensationalism Today (Ryrie)
Dispensationalism: Mining the Treasures of God's Word (Pickering)
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility (Fisk)
Knowing God (Packer)
The Genesis Flood (Whitcomb/Morris)
Jesus was a Jew (Fructenbaum)
The Holy Spirit (Ryrie)
Angels Elect and Evil (Dickason)
Here I Stand (DeCourcy)
Doctrine and Administration of the Church (Jackson)
In Pursuit of Purity (Beale)
Biblical Separation (Pickering)
Things to Come (Pentecost)
Foot Steps of the Messiah (Fruchtenbaum)
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (Nestle/Marshall)
*If you are a new Christian or are having a hunger to learn, these are the ones that I would obtain and begin using first.
Of those books I own:
Scofield's Study Bible
Baker’s Dictionary of Theology
Halley’s Bible Handbook
The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the O.T. (Walvoord & Zuck)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the N.T. (Walvoord & Zuck)
Evidence that Demands a Verdict (McDowell)
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Scofield)
Dispensationalism Today (Ryrie)
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility (Fisk)
Biblical Separation (Pickering)
I would definitely add 'Lectures in Systematic Theology' (Henry Thiessen), 'He that is Spiritual' (L.S. Chafer) and 'Satan' (L.S. Chafer).
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew Celestine, at 26/12/06 11:36 AM
Hi Matthew,
I'm glad you chimed in brother, and that you have not been boiled in your own pudding!
I would definitely add 'Lectures in Systematic Theology' (Henry Thiessen), 'He that is Spiritual' (L.S. Chafer) and 'Satan' (L.S. Chafer).
Those sound good! I may soon be adding a certain book by C. Gordon Olson that my wife is graciously letting me read currently. ;~)
In His fellowship,
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 26/12/06 1:15 PM
J. Wendell,
I found this through the blog, The Propoganda Machine, and will probally keep up with it for awhile.
Take care, MC.
Anonymous, at 26/12/06 11:32 PM
Yes, Olson's book is excellent, even if he does say a few things which are not consistently Free Grace.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 27/12/06 4:48 AM
God Bless you in the New Year and always.
Anonymous, at 27/12/06 7:17 AM
Thanks for stopping by.
I just began reading it he seems to be very sound. So far I agree with him except for minor semantics.
Thanks Chris.
God bless you and your flock.
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 28/12/06 7:07 AM
You surely do not agree with Olson's belief in conditional election?
Matthew Celestine, at 28/12/06 11:49 AM
Hi Matthew,
I am just into Chapter three.
It certainly is not the first time I have heard this discussed; in fact I think J. Vernon McGee holds to this position which I actually can accept within the realm solid biblical thought.
I am not dogmatic about Calvinism because there are difficulties within the varying systems. I do think God’s election is unconditional, yet at the same time the Bible seems clear that man’s salvation is contingent upon faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone, through the Scriptures, to the exclusive glory of God.
Although I make an infralapsarian profession, I still feel that it is not possible for the finite mind of man to grasp perfectly the infinite mind of God.
Good book though,
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 28/12/06 4:08 PM
My wife would kill me if I got all of those books...I am going to get the Ryrie Study Bible at some point though and use it as a referance. I have a lot of Study Bibles around the house and I almost use them like commentaries.
My wife just asked me what I would do if I was stranded on an Island and only had one Bible. Wow!?
I don't know what I would do...probably have an anxiety attack or something:-)
Nah really though I would be content with the good ol Scofield I should hope. Actually the Word of God alone would be all that I need....but I would still build a raft and ask for Capt Jack Sparrows compass to get back home to land for some more commentaries. Oh boy am I admitting something here? the ship...the Word of God alone is sufficient as a relationship with Himself is all we need. Good post up top by the way...and thanks for the link brother.
Bhedr, at 28/12/06 6:28 PM
P.S- Maybe a Timothy might be around somewhere to bring the parchments if I couldn't build a raft
Bhedr, at 28/12/06 6:31 PM
“My wife would kill me if I got all of those books...”
Our church library has most of them. Libraries are great. So are used book stores, and Ebay. Rose tries to limit my book shelves so I recycle the less weighty ones to our church library, that way if I ever need one I know right where to find it, and our house stays neater that way.
In His fellowship,
Brother John
Timothy must have been a great friend.
J. Wendell, at 29/12/06 9:26 AM
My wife keeps piling mine under the bed and warning me to take one at a time out as most of my weighty ones are on the bookshelf. I sometimes need them as immediate referances though and find myself digging under the bed....blessing my wife all the while with wonderful least trying to anyway.
Bhedr, at 29/12/06 5:54 PM
That's too funny.
J. Wendell, at 30/12/06 7:23 AM
Not even one Zane Hodges book!
Antonio, at 30/12/06 1:35 PM
Yes, 'Grace in Eclipse' would sit very well on that list.
Matthew Celestine, at 30/12/06 4:04 PM
Thanks for stopping by Antonio, Did you have one in mind? ;-)
Feel free to recommend one or two if you wish, but did you miss The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the N.T. Hodges was a contributor.
Thank you Matthew for recommending 'Grace in Eclipse' I have not read that one so I’ll have to check it out sometime.
I think A Survey of Bible Doctrine (by Ryrie) should be required reading for every believer. ;-)
J. Wendell, at 30/12/06 6:10 PM
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