Truth Warrior

Sunday, December 17, 2006

This is My Father's World

“The world is Mine, and all that is in it.” Psalm 50:12

Words: bio("Malt­bie D. Bab­cock","b/a/b/babcock_md")
Malt­bie D. Bab­cock, 1901, alt. While a pas­tor in Lock­port, New York, Bab­cock liked to hike in an ar­ea called “the es­carp­ment,” an an­cient up­thrust ledge near Lock­port. It has a mar­vel­ous view of farms, or­chards, and Lake On­tar­io, about 15 miles dis­tant. It is said those walks in the woods in­spired these lyr­ics. The ti­tle re­calls an ex­press­ion Bab­cock used when start­ing a walk: “I’m go­ing out to see my Fa­ther’s world.”

Music: Terra Beata, tra­di­tion­al Eng­lish mel­o­dy, ar­ranged by
bio("Frank­lin L. Shep­pard","s/h/sheppard_fl")
Frank­lin L. Shep­pard in his Al­le­lu­ia, 1915
(MI­DI, score).
fot("Frank­lin Shep­pard")

If you have ac­cess to a pho­to of Frank­lin Shep­pard that we could put on­line, please click here.

The Cyber Hymn

This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father’s world, the birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, declare their Maker’s praise.
This is my Father’s world: He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me everywhere.

This is my Father’s world. O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world: the battle is not done:
Jesus Who died shall be satisfied,
And earth and Heav’n be one.

This is my Father’s world, dreaming, I see His face.
I ope my eyes, and in glad surprise cry, “The Lord is in this place.”
This is my Father’s world, from the shining courts above,
The Beloved One, His Only Son,
Came—a pledge of deathless love.

This is my Father’s world, should my heart be ever sad?
The lord is King—let the heavens ring. God reigns—let the earth be glad.
This is my Father’s world. Now closer to Heaven bound,
For dear to God is the earth Christ trod.
No place but is holy ground.

This is my Father’s world. I walk a desert lone.
In a bush ablaze to my wondering gaze God makes His glory known.
This is my Father’s world, a wanderer I may roam
Whate’er my lot, it matters not,
My heart is still at home.

This is one of my favorites. It is a great reminder is it not, that our God is the heavenly Father who is our Creator? I will begin posting on Theology Proper soon and thought this to be very fitting.


  • Good hymn. I always liked what Keith Green said though in one of his recordings something like, "If it took God six days to make the earth and he's been working on Heaven two thousand we must be living in a garbage can compared to what is going on up there."

    But the earth is beautiful yes as is this hymn.

    By Blogger Bhedr, at 17/12/06 10:08 PM  

  • Hi Brian,
    Yes, I like that thought too. Now I'll have to dig that CD out and give it a listen to today.

    Thanks for reading,
    Brother John

    By Blogger J. Wendell, at 18/12/06 6:50 AM  

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