Contend for the Faith, Seriously!
To contend for the faith, fundamentalists should keep in mind to take doctrine seriously, very seriously. However, this does not mean we need to take ourselves so seriously. We could lighten up a bit; some of us could lighten up a lot. We do not need to elevate our own self-importance to a level of superiority, nor be self-debasing in pride, feigning humility. These wrong attitudes in the heart of the Christian are carnal and worldly… evidence of an immature spirit, and it defaces the gospel message. This also spoils our unity and gives a skewed picture of what the victorious abundant life in Christ is all about.
Stay Salty,
Brother John
Stay Salty,
Brother John
Very true.
Matthew Celestine, at 9/7/07 10:20 AM
Nice post! I think that the heart of humility is taking God seriously and not ourselves.
kc bob, at 9/7/07 11:53 AM
Thank you, John. I couldn't agree more.
If we're not willing to live in the world of humilty and be 'teachable' ourselves, then what good is it? God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. This is very important in the scheme of things...
Anonymous, at 9/7/07 1:16 PM
Amen, John!
Anonymous, at 9/7/07 5:31 PM
With posts like these, is there a wonder why you are the Earnest Contender?
Scribe, at 10/7/07 2:10 AM
John: "We do not need to elevate our own self-importance to a level of superiority, nor be self-debasing in pride, feigning humility."
John, would you please explain what you mean by "self-debasing in pride, feigning humility"? I'm not quite sure what you mean.
Dawn, at 10/7/07 6:50 PM
Hi Dawn,
Oh, I'm not so sure... I don't really qualify for that (lowering my head). I'm just not that spiritual, you know (pitching one foot in a simi-circle in front of the other kicking the dirt). But only by God's grace I'll t-t-try to utter some kind of an answer, if my mouth dosn't freeze up.
O.K. enough clowning around. Here's the real answer, it's found in the Bible: Don't be too high-minded.
Here is an example: "I fellowship with the angels, and Charly Hodge and me are best friends."
On the other hand, don't fake like your a lowly saint either.
Here is an example: "I'm not worthy of being a crumb on the apostle Paul's beard." (Romans 12:3)
Get it? We are what and who we are in Christ. Now when someone tells me "good job", I don't have to bring my voice up to the atmospheric heavens and say "GLORY to Gawd." I can just say, "Thank you."
J. Wendell, at 14/7/07 7:07 PM
Thank you for the kind words Scribe.
J. Wendell, at 14/7/07 7:10 PM
Hi Bobby,
Nice to see you again.
J. Wendell, at 14/7/07 7:11 PM
Hi Gayla,
It's kind of you to read here.
"If we're not willing to live in the world of humilty and be 'teachable' ourselves, then what good is it? God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. This is very important in the scheme of things..."
That is a good lesson for all, thanks for your conribution on this topic.
brother John
J. Wendell, at 14/7/07 7:15 PM
Hi KB,
Welcome to TEC. Thanks for your appropriate comment and for the link to your post.
J. Wendell, at 14/7/07 7:18 PM
Hi DF,
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.
J. Wendell, at 14/7/07 7:20 PM
Thanks John.
Dawn, at 15/7/07 6:25 PM
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