Truth Warrior

Monday, May 01, 2006

Baptists Before the Reformation (part 2)

Mark 13:31 says, "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away."

The four theories of Baptist origins that were presented in the last post are:

A. Apostolic succession
B. Anabaptist kinship
C. Possible baptistic congregations within the Roman Catholic church
D. English Separatist decent

All four all four have some strengths and weaknesses yet all four are open for debate. I will echo E. T. Hiscox words “The greater part had never been connected with Roman hierarchy, while many had, separated themselves from the false, that they might enjoy the true Church of Christ.

The important element is not succession but possession."*

Keneth H. Good writes, “E.T. Hiscox states that the claim of an unbroken, visible succession going back to the apostles is ‘groundless, and doctrinally useless.’ The marks of a genuine Baptist church are to be found 'not in succession, but in possession.'**

“Possession of what?” one may logically ask. The possession and practice of the apostolic truth and teaching found in the New Testament are the marks of a biblical Baptist church.

We have studied these truths in the acrostic BAPTISTS:

Biblical Authority
Autonomy of the Local Church
Priesthood of All Believers
Two Ordinances: Baptism and Communion
Individual Soul Liberty
Saved Church Membership
Two Offices: Pastor and Deacon
Separation of the Church and State

While they do not cover all truth found in the completed Revelation of God they serve well to articulate the substance of biblical Baptists.
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. (Mark 13:31)

Next post: Baptists and the Reformation
*Principles and Practicises For Baptist Churches, by E.T. Hiscox (P.497) Kregel
**God's Blueprint for a Church, by Kenneth H. Good (p.122) RBP


  • I think you are doing an excellent job in demonstrating the distinctive characteristics of Baptist ecclesiology.

    God Bless


    By Blogger Matthew Celestine, at 2/5/06 4:34 AM  

  • The possession and practice of the apostolic truth and teaching that leads to a focus on Jesus.

    By Blogger Joe, at 3/5/06 7:11 AM  

  • Thanks for doing this series on Baptist!



    By Blogger Nate, at 3/5/06 9:29 AM  

  • Thanks Matthew.

    Joe well put, Amen.

    Nate It's almost over, what will I do next.

    By Blogger J. Wendell, at 6/5/06 8:01 AM  

  • John, I do hope you are well.

    Do a series on eschatology, John. Maybe you can persuade me to accept the Pre-Tribulational rapture.

    Every Blessing in Christ


    By Blogger Matthew Celestine, at 6/5/06 12:35 PM  

  • Hi Matthew,
    I am doing much better now.

    End Times? Yes it would be a great study I sure you would have much to contribute. I still need to get back to you on that at your prophesy blog.

    By Blogger J. Wendell, at 7/5/06 6:55 AM  

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