What Does the Bible Say about Separation of Church and State?
II. What Does the Bible Say about Separation of Church and State?
A. Caesar verses God (Matt.22:15-22)
Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men. Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money.
And they brought unto him a penny.
And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
They say unto him, Caesar's.
Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
In our text we see the Pharisees and the Herodians united (normally in opposition to each other) attempting to corner Jesus in a riddle for the purpose of reducing or eliminating His influence. They probably spent along time conjuring up this question “Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?” Feeling very smart, they might have said gleefully among themselves, “If Jesus answers, ‘Yes.’, we got him he will certainly anger the Jews and they will no longer accept anything he teaches. If on the other hand He says, ‘No.’, we got him because the loyal Romans will be angered and could and will probably accuse Him of rebellion against the government.” How disappointed they must have felt. Here, they were sure they had come up with the question that only God Himself could answer.
After Jesus was given a penny, and asked whose image is on it, they acknowledged that the image on it was that of Caesar. Then He made this statement, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.” This must have made these professional religionists drop open their mouths because… “When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left him, and went their way.”(v.22)
There is so much one could extrapolate from this little passage, yet to stay on topic let me offer this morsel of application lifted from this text. There are two separate spheres for our respect and support, church and state. Christians today, have the duty and privilege to obey God and country!
God has ordained both the state and the church each with distinct and separate purposes. Romans 13:1-7 outlines the purposes of the state, while the church’s purposes are outlined in Matthew 28:19-20. These passages demonstrate the differing God-intended functions of church and state.
B. Earthly kingdom verses Heavenly kingdom (Jn. 18:28-40)
John 18:28-40 is the account of Jesus standing before Pilate preceding His crucifixion. Jesus told Pilate: “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”(v.36) Jesus was acknowledging His kingship, but also that His kingdom was not of this world, if it were His servants would fight for His deliverance. Since His kingdom had not yet been established in Jerusalem He would not permit them to fight.
God intends church and state to be kept separate until the King of Kings comes back and establishes His earthly kingdom.
C. Man’s authority verses God’s authority
The apostles were jailed for proclaiming the gospel and commanded by the authorities not to teach in His name (see Acts 5:17-29). God delivered them from prison and via His angel, told them to keep preaching. The next morning the apostles were right back at the temple teaching. They were brought before the council for interrogation and asked, “Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?” The response, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
The apostles recognize the existence of two spheres of authority, God’s and man’s. We also see the way a believer should respond when faced with conflicting demands. When the human authorities make demands that call for disobedience to God, we must follow the example of the apostles and “…obey God rather than men.”
It is clear from the Bible that there are two yet separate spheres of authority God’s and man’s. The Christian today has an obligation to both. We should do our best to obey both, however, when faced with conflict we should always obey God over man. This goes back to our statement that, the church will not control the government and that the government will not control the church.
What are some ways you have obeyed both?
What are ways you have had to obey God rather than man?
Next post: What about the First Amendment and Separation of Church and State?
A. Caesar verses God (Matt.22:15-22)
Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for thou regardest not the person of men. Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?
But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Shew me the tribute money.
And they brought unto him a penny.
And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
They say unto him, Caesar's.
Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
In our text we see the Pharisees and the Herodians united (normally in opposition to each other) attempting to corner Jesus in a riddle for the purpose of reducing or eliminating His influence. They probably spent along time conjuring up this question “Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?” Feeling very smart, they might have said gleefully among themselves, “If Jesus answers, ‘Yes.’, we got him he will certainly anger the Jews and they will no longer accept anything he teaches. If on the other hand He says, ‘No.’, we got him because the loyal Romans will be angered and could and will probably accuse Him of rebellion against the government.” How disappointed they must have felt. Here, they were sure they had come up with the question that only God Himself could answer.
After Jesus was given a penny, and asked whose image is on it, they acknowledged that the image on it was that of Caesar. Then He made this statement, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.” This must have made these professional religionists drop open their mouths because… “When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left him, and went their way.”(v.22)
There is so much one could extrapolate from this little passage, yet to stay on topic let me offer this morsel of application lifted from this text. There are two separate spheres for our respect and support, church and state. Christians today, have the duty and privilege to obey God and country!
God has ordained both the state and the church each with distinct and separate purposes. Romans 13:1-7 outlines the purposes of the state, while the church’s purposes are outlined in Matthew 28:19-20. These passages demonstrate the differing God-intended functions of church and state.
B. Earthly kingdom verses Heavenly kingdom (Jn. 18:28-40)
John 18:28-40 is the account of Jesus standing before Pilate preceding His crucifixion. Jesus told Pilate: “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”(v.36) Jesus was acknowledging His kingship, but also that His kingdom was not of this world, if it were His servants would fight for His deliverance. Since His kingdom had not yet been established in Jerusalem He would not permit them to fight.
God intends church and state to be kept separate until the King of Kings comes back and establishes His earthly kingdom.
C. Man’s authority verses God’s authority
The apostles were jailed for proclaiming the gospel and commanded by the authorities not to teach in His name (see Acts 5:17-29). God delivered them from prison and via His angel, told them to keep preaching. The next morning the apostles were right back at the temple teaching. They were brought before the council for interrogation and asked, “Did not we straitly command you that ye should not teach in this name?” The response, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”
The apostles recognize the existence of two spheres of authority, God’s and man’s. We also see the way a believer should respond when faced with conflicting demands. When the human authorities make demands that call for disobedience to God, we must follow the example of the apostles and “…obey God rather than men.”
It is clear from the Bible that there are two yet separate spheres of authority God’s and man’s. The Christian today has an obligation to both. We should do our best to obey both, however, when faced with conflict we should always obey God over man. This goes back to our statement that, the church will not control the government and that the government will not control the church.
What are some ways you have obeyed both?
What are ways you have had to obey God rather than man?
Next post: What about the First Amendment and Separation of Church and State?
Good stuff.
Matthew Celestine, at 11/4/06 7:40 AM
Thank you Matthew.
J. Wendell, at 11/4/06 8:14 AM
Excellent post John.
Kc, at 11/4/06 7:03 PM
Yes, good post. Higher pressure I think always adulterates truth...don't you think? Jesus was never intimidated by it and always wise in dealing with it.
Bhedr, at 11/4/06 9:59 PM
If you did not go back and read my comment in your last post, I will repeat its essence here.
Is the government allowing a Christian experience at a public place (such as prayer at a public event) the same as the government establishing that religion?
When did all things public (such as public school) become all things government?
Joe, at 12/4/06 6:41 AM
Thank you for stopping by. That is a interesting observation. I wish I had more Christ-centered wisdom.
Hi Joe,
This is the reply I gave to your comment on the last post,
No, absolutely NO! Prayer in public schools should be allowed as long as it does not interfere with curricular activities. I would be uncomfortable with teacher lead prayer time.
Christian assemblies should be allowed in public places as long as it is peaceable.
The Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and prayers should be allowed to be on display in and on government buildings, and monuments.
The can of worms is, what about sayings from the Koran, Mien Kopf, or any other writings. Wouldn’t liberty have to be for all in a given community?
NOw you have raised another good point, "When did all things public (such as public school) become all things government?"
Joe, if you come back to read my reply perhaps you could tell me and the other readers what you think, what is your take on that question?
You got me thinking now.
brother John
J. Wendell, at 12/4/06 7:04 AM
Great post John! I like how you look at Romans 13. So many Christians are so super-spiritual in what they believe to be service to God that they fail to see that God is also served when we obey the laws of the land. Good stuff.
mark pierson, at 12/4/06 7:10 AM
I'm back.
Prelude: When I was in school, in Warner Robins, Georgia, my English teacher read scripture every day, he and my algebra teacher had prayer every day and my geometry teacher stood at the door and sang, "Yield Not to Temptation," at the close of every class. My speech teacher was Muslim and read from Koran.
We all lived through it.
I think "no law" means.........let's see....oh yeah: no law.
I also think the words, "an establishment" mean something different from "the establishment," the latter of which does not appear in the Constitution.
I run A business establishment. I took part in THE establishment of a new trust fund.
In my humble but correct, opinion, there should be NO restrictions of religious expression, ESPECIALLY in a government entity.
As to when public schools became government schools, it began as local school districts began to relinquish their control over local schools in exchange for a larger chunk of money from the federal government.
What the feds fund, the feds control.
How they exercise that control depends upon who is in offices of congress.
I guess you could call me a Conservaliberublican.
But you might not want to.
Joe, at 12/4/06 5:08 PM
Hi Mark,
Thanks for noticing that important aspect. I believe in the dual citizenship of Christians, that is our heavenly citizenship and our heavenly citizenship. Obviously we must have our priorities. Considering the government, his historical time and location, I wonder what Paul’s thoughts were on this matter? :~) Oh yea it’s written down in Romans 13!
Hi Joe,
Welcome back!
Prelude: When I was in school, in Warner Robins, Georgia, my English teacher read scripture every day, he and my algebra teacher had prayer every day and my geometry teacher stood at the door and sang, "Yield Not to Temptation," at the close of every class. My speech teacher was Muslim and read from Koran.
We all lived through it.
Thank you for sharing that. It is actually refreshing to know that good Christian boys and girls can be tolerent of other belief systems and learn from others and still remain faithful.
My 10 year old has already asked permission to change the wording in a science project. He said it would be “more accurate”, the teacher gave him liberty, he accomplised the task and brought home a good grade. The paper was suposed to begin with, “Billions of years ago, when the dinosours ruled the planet…” Instead the paper began, “It was a long, long time ago when dinosours were not yet extinct…”
In my humble but correct, opinion, there should be NO restrictions of religious expression, ESPECIALLY in a government entity.
I see your point here. I have thought about it. I agree with you to a point, and in my view I would only add: as long as no one’s liberty, health or property is put in danger. Violence should not be propagated.
What the feds fund, the feds control.
I think some Christian schools are accepting funds from the State for things such as bussing now.
Good thoughts Joe.
God bless,
brother John
J. Wendell, at 12/4/06 8:14 PM
We have disobeyed God by giving up so much territory to the government- God tells us, we parents to teach our children, we have given that over to govt schools ! God says we take our parents in when they are old - we have government Medi-everything ! the govt. provides medicine, nursing home . These all are the responsibility of God's people . We are His hands and feet, not the govt.! There used to be dozens of church homes in Toledo to care for orphans and widows. Now we have CSB (govt. agency) .
Let's get back in the game. Start with a baby step . Let's adopt a welfare family as a home group, or blog group
maildad, at 12/4/06 10:29 PM
Should some Christians run for Government office? If so,
check out www.ErnestBerry.com
My friend Ernie Berry came to the mens group several times. You may have seen him with his guide dog calypso. Ernie is a remarkable young man. Despite severe neurological and vision impairment , he has two degrees from U.T. , works in the city of Toledo administration, maintains a serious walk with God . A couple of guys from the group have asked him to speak at their mens group.
Ernie feels called to the political realm. ( He is currently on the Nov. ballot)
As you talked this morning about our city , we see corruption and sin in the men in political office in Toledo- 2 city councilmen under indictment, open homosexuals controlling our city govt.
May I ask you, what is the church's role in govt. ?, and more specifically , should some Christians run for office, if so , how do we encourage them ?
Ernie and I have not found one pastor, we have talked to many, to encourage him in practical ways, like introduce him to the congregation. THe unions have stepped up and backed him, so at this point , if he gets elected , my advice to Ern is to represent unions and liberals, the church doesn't want to have a voice in city policy. Please tell me I'm off base here.
Chuck C.
maildad, at 12/4/06 10:34 PM
Hi Chuck,
great ideas here!
Don't give up on expressing your God directed views.
As to your second comment I have to go to work now, but I will mull it over in my mind. In the mean time perhaps others would like to jump in and opine.
brother John
J. Wendell, at 13/4/06 7:11 AM
Hi John,
I loved the way you put this:
Here, they were sure they had come up with the question that only God Himself could answer.
That was my favorite part.
:~) Hi Chuck!
Rose~, at 13/4/06 7:40 AM
Thanks Rose!
Unknown to these blind guides, it was God they were calling into question. BTW it was God who gave them the answer!
J. Wendell, at 13/4/06 10:30 PM
John: "God intends church and state to be kept separate until the King of Kings comes back and establishes His earthly kingdom."
If by this you mean that an earthly government is prohibited from establishing the levitical law, then I, again, must respectfully disagree. I agree that ceremonial laws and civil laws are separate but within the whole of God's system.
The John 18:36 scripture is merely stating that Jesus was not here at that point in time to do away with the Roman government. He was here to be the ultimate sacrifice to take away the sin of the world.
At that time, the Jews were under Roman rule and Jesus was not here to take their rule of law away. But that did not mean that a country could not establish the law of God in its entirety if it wished to do so.
What ever form of government we find ourselves under then that law we must obey unless it goes against the law of God.
If I've misunderstood what you're trying to convey, then please forgive me.
Dawn, at 25/4/06 11:17 AM
Hi Dawn,
"At that time, the Jews were under Roman rule and Jesus was not here to take their rule of law away. But that did not mean that a country could not establish the law of God in its entirety if it wished to do so."
Amen! I hope this will not happen in the USA though. Think of how many times mobs would be ordered to stone its civilians. My kids would be dead already… of course I would not have made it to puberty and so they wouldn’t be here any way.
I do feel the USA needs to stop legislating and begin to enforce the laws we do have.
Good thinking on this one Dawn, thanks for the input,
brother John
J. Wendell, at 25/4/06 10:53 PM
John: "Amen! I hope this will not happen in the USA though. Think of how many times mobs would be ordered to stone its civilians. My kids would be dead already… of course I would not have made it to puberty and so they wouldn’t be here any way."
LOL! I would not have made it either, John. But I think if the reality of death were real and before me I would not have rebelled or disobeyed my parents. Also, I think that with God's law in place the parents not training up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord would be extremely rare. (Not arguing here, just giving you my train of thought.) But I do believe that if, say, we started TODAY to enforce God's law as we read in Leviticus that it wouldn't take too long for people to submit to the law. It wouldn't take too many TRULY rebellious children, teens, young adults still under their parents' roof to be stoned to death before the rest of society took note and straightened up. Maybe the parents would start raising the children up correctly instead of allowing them to rule the roost. It wouldn't take too long for the pedophiles to keep their perversion to themselves. It wouldn't take too long for men and women too honor their marriage vows. It wouldn't take too long for the country to obey the laws of the land. These people would have the opportunity to repent before they were executed. I've stated all this very simplistically, but I know it wouldn't be that simple at first.
Had our founders made these laws in the first place I don't believe we would really have the problem of an immoral society.
But maybe I'm dreaming here and it wouldn't pan out the way I'm thinking. It didn't always pan out for the Israelites. Hmmmmm. Still, I don't believe we're prohibited from at least trying to do it God's way. :-)
I agree, I wish we would simply enforce our laws. :-)
Thanks for the opportunity to express my feelings.
BTW, Rose did a great job on the redesign of your site.
Dawn, at 26/4/06 9:27 AM
Hi Dawn,
Thank you for coming back.
I think perhaps people would so harden their hearts to extent that it would make the brutal civil war of north and south in the 1800’s look like a gentleman’s duel. Many lives would be lost in the name of liberty and that is what we presently have, even as imperfect as it is. We do have many wonderful freedoms in the USA that many countries do not have. We may vote, get involved in politics, boycott if we choose, support candidates, contribute to campaigns and parties of our choice. Organize unions, conduct peaceful protests and BTW you are free to if you wish to raise your kids under the Law of Moses.
As Christians we have the privilege and duty to raise a godly offspring now. In God’s present economy we also have the blessing of reproducing spiritually too! To put it in more biblical vernacular we have a ministry of reconciliation. I think you will agree, that is doing it God’s way.
The Leviticus law was never intended for Gentiles and even for Paul, a Jewish man, the Law was a school master, not a life’s mate. Jesus set me free from the Law and gave me a new Law, the Law of liberty. Liberty is not the freedom to do as I please, bar doing as I ought. The result of the former is chaos; the result of the latter is order.
You said, “It wouldn't take too long for men and women too honor their marriage vows.”
It would be a man’s world. A woman would have little say. If one day she burnt the toast and her husband woke up on the wrong side of bed, instead of loving his wife he decided to give her a letter of divorce. Poof!!! She would be gone (to him), and he could be on his marry way.
This is a very complex problem. Thanks for expressing your views here Dawn I am honored.
I am very pleased with Rosie’s creative talent too, thanks for mentioning this.
May God bless you (Number 6:22-26),
brother John
J. Wendell, at 27/4/06 12:14 AM
This is very interesting site...
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Anonymous, at 12/8/06 6:52 PM
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