How Can Government Control the Churches?
IV. How Can Government Control the Churches?
Allow me to quote directly from the curriculum that I have been using for this presentation of the biblical distinctives of Baptists by Donald K. Anderson and David M. Gower (I will give more information about this fine material at a later time).
The government can control churches in several ways. Control can be exercised by laws the legislators make, by the decisions of the courts or by the actions of government agencies.
It is interesting that most of the church-state tensions today in the United-States do not come from laws that our legislators have made but from court decisions and government agencies, both of which are staffed by non-elected people. Citizens seem to have very little control over the courts and government agencies.
Some of the areas of concern today include: taxation of churches and church schools, the legitimacy of certain church ministries (such as schools), certification of teachers, zoning for home Bible studies, church buildings, in newer neighborhoods, Bible studies and /or religious displays on public property to name a few.
Writing a letter to a congressman (or a member of parliament) to influence legislation in favor of religious liberty is one way Christians can get involved in defending the First Amendment and religious liberty.
What are some other ways we can peacefully defend the First Amendment and religious liberty?
Next post: What is the Christian's Responsibility to Government?
Allow me to quote directly from the curriculum that I have been using for this presentation of the biblical distinctives of Baptists by Donald K. Anderson and David M. Gower (I will give more information about this fine material at a later time).
The government can control churches in several ways. Control can be exercised by laws the legislators make, by the decisions of the courts or by the actions of government agencies.
It is interesting that most of the church-state tensions today in the United-States do not come from laws that our legislators have made but from court decisions and government agencies, both of which are staffed by non-elected people. Citizens seem to have very little control over the courts and government agencies.
Some of the areas of concern today include: taxation of churches and church schools, the legitimacy of certain church ministries (such as schools), certification of teachers, zoning for home Bible studies, church buildings, in newer neighborhoods, Bible studies and /or religious displays on public property to name a few.
Writing a letter to a congressman (or a member of parliament) to influence legislation in favor of religious liberty is one way Christians can get involved in defending the First Amendment and religious liberty.
What are some other ways we can peacefully defend the First Amendment and religious liberty?
Next post: What is the Christian's Responsibility to Government?
You are dealing with an issue I struggle with as it has many implications.
In the Persian Gulf War I was in the 4th Marine Exp. Brigade. We were deployed by LST, LPH etc and lived with the Sailors for a time as well as in the desert.
Our Bible study group was headed by the Protestant Chaplin. We soon discovered that his understanding of salvation was deficiant and he too was a baby Baptiser. A man came to get saved and he snatched him away to stress the importance of his cristening and Baptismal Regeneration being part of Salvation. We as a group became distressed about what we were going to do.
He had a mixed tract rack as well. There were guys among this group who were Charasmatic as well as Fundamental. One would even pester me about the Limited atonement. For some reason they all looked at me one night and asked me to go to the Chaplain and tell him that we were seperating from his leadership and would like to have our own group.
I dreaded this as he was an officer and I enlisted. Why did they pick me? Anyway I went to him and told him we were facing war and that men are lost and hell and heaven hang in the balance and we want him to know we love him but disagreed with how he handled leading people to Christ. He seemed all right at the time, but later he would break up our group and tell us we were not allowed to meet outside of his Authority. Everybody went back to the Bible Study including even some Independent Baptists. Who stayed out? This one Vietnamese defector who joined the Marines and myself along with him.
Did I have pride in those days? I really have to ask myself and perhaps I did. Back then I was strong on Free Grace and had not allowed myself to get sucked into the abominable teachings that deviate us from the Promise of God alone. In fact I was so strong that I looked down on these other brethren whom I considered to be weak while I was the faithful one along with the other brother. In fact I was baffled at their compromise. Baffled yet nervous at the same time as my Companies officers pulled me in their office to question me on this as the Chaplains(Now the Catholic one was helping the Protestant) had gone to them to express my insubordination hoping that this would bring me to assimilation. Only God was able to deliver me from more trouble back then. I didn't know what lay ahead of me in the oncoming days.
The Catholic Chaplain came up and really reamed me one day and asked me who I thought I was and that he was a well studied theologian and I was a misfit leading people astray. Needless to say I became very depressed. This whole situation taught me though of how higher authority is constantly trying to seize the promise of God and that when we yoke arms in peace we compromise the simplicity of the Gospel.
Could I get mad at these brethren though? Years later one came up to me and apologized and said he now understood why I did what I did. However what I learned was that I was no differant from them as since the years have passed, I allowed myself to compromise the simplicity of the gospel in yoking up with people like Piper, Steve Camp, RC Sproul and John MacArthur.
Since that day I have fled from Jezabels presence and I am no better than anyone else. I am weak. In fact now I am so thankful for men like Antonio who gave me sharp rebuke. What allowed me to dilute the gospel? I am so ashamed of myself now as I look back and want to thank you as well brother. This is so important as Satan will seek any vice he can to dilute the gospel message. Hidden in this crust is also the respecter of persons issue and waffling as well as rationalization. Phew. There is yet hope even in the midst of this there is yet mercy. Go look at the life of Thomas Cranmer and see how he waffled on this, yet see the triumph at the end. It is in the Foxes Book of Marytrs.
Let us stand fast in the Libery of the Grace of God.
This is a serious issue you speak of.
Bhedr, at 15/4/06 12:00 PM
Brother Brian,
First of all I want to say,
“Thank you for your service to our country.” Secondly thank you for stopping by and sharing this account here at the Earnest Contender… I am honored.
You have correctly identified this as a weighty issue indeed. I am not sure what we can do collectively, but on my next post I will offer some things all Bible believers are responsible to do.
I allowed myself to compromise the simplicity of the gospel in yoking up with people like Piper, Steve Camp, RC Sproul and John MacArthur.
Some time down the road, if God permits, I will do a post on the “simplicity of the gospel”, but don’t hold your breath it could be a while.
Thank you again for your comment here.
God bless,
brother John
J. Wendell, at 15/4/06 4:49 PM
I look forward to it. May we always be aware of the vices of Satan to snatch us unaware of this as he sifts...he doesn't break. He is a truth sifter and He despises the simple truth of the Gospel as it stands in opposition of his self-righteousness and denies any merit outside of Christ alone.
Bhedr, at 15/4/06 6:20 PM
I have been reading 2 kings 7 and meditating on it much today. Elijah tried to tell good and wonderful news to wicked men. The one that opposed him and mocked this promise from Elijah was the one who suffered. If a man not believe the Promise of God. Simply believe what seems to good to be true...He is to be forever damned and pitied. Men must stop resisting this beautiful message of Grace that seems to good to be true or all will be lost.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou shalt be saved!
Bhedr, at 15/4/06 6:31 PM
You speak of unelected people having a strong voice in what later becomes law. This is a fearful thing. I believe this is how those who hate Christianity will make it so that Christians will have to meet underground.
Why should we in the West think that it could not happen to us. We have missionary's who come from the South American country of Columbia, who tell us of the authorities kicking doors of churches down, and hauling the pastor away, after his sermon, never to be seen by his family and church again.
There is no doubt in my mind that that could happen here as well; and God will permit it, in order to test our faith. We are not immune to experiencing what happens to our brethren in the rest of the world.
That is why I take a pause to reflect on the debates that rage in christendom. I wonder if the brothers and sisters that we are mad at now over Calvinism versus Non Calvinism; L/S versus F/G issues are the same ones that we will be standing shoulder to shoulder with in jail cells and in front of firing squads. Remember Rome? Remember Christians being used as torches to light up the city streets at night there? Remember the circuses where children of christian parents were thrown to the beasts to be torn in two, while mom and dad watched helplessly?
Remember, many of the fine Baptist Christian groups represented in America today are here because their spiritual ancestors fled here from religious terrony over seas.
Yes, Christians ought to get and stay involved in government. But, our first and foremost responsibility is to pray. I can not stress this enough. Do Christians pray for their government officials as they should? Perhaps I ought to start to do so.
Thank you for this post, John!
mark pierson, at 16/4/06 2:42 PM
I trust you've had a blessed Resurrection Sunday!
Joe, at 16/4/06 5:39 PM
Hi Brian,
Good observation and summary.
Hi Mark,
This can be fearful.
I wonder if the brothers and sisters that we are mad at now over Calvinism versus Non Calvinism; L/S versus F/G issues are the same ones that we will be standing shoulder to shoulder with in jail cells and in front of firing squads.
I hope not! I pray not! It could be. But either way I look forward to the day we will be standing shoulder to shoulder in heaven, confirmed in holiness.
Concerning Calvinism versus Non Calvinism; L/S versus F/G,I tend to avoid that issue. I try to choose my battles carefully. That does not mean I don’t take a position on that and many issues. Further, I try to be teachable and open for discussion though I walk with feet of clay. I think you have the right idea… pray.
Hi Joe,
We did. I trust the same is true for you and yours.
Thank you for coming by,
brother John
J. Wendell, at 17/4/06 5:38 AM
Anderson & Gower: "It is interesting that most of the church-state tensions today in the United-States do not come from laws that our legislators have made but from court decisions and government agencies, both of which are staffed by non-elected people. Citizens seem to have very little control over the courts and government agencies."
Unfortunately, the people do not know that we actually have the power to eject activist judges from the bench. Our apathy is destroying us from the inside out.
John: "What are some other ways we can peacefully defend the First Amendment and religious liberty?"
First and foremost, we pray. Then we educate ourselves (and others around us) on the laws of our land going back to the day of our founders. I have found David Barton of to be an excellent resource. His book Original Intent is a must have. There are many others out there, but Barton would be a good start.
We don't have to sit back and allow our freedoms to be taken from us like they have been. We HAVE the power to do something about it. Learn about those running for office. Get involved in the campaign process. Write to your congressmen and let your opinions be known. Learn about the issues up for vote, etc. I believe it is our Christian duty to be involved in these processes, though it shouldn't take away from our worship of the Lord. We deserve what we get, if we allow evil to prevail.
Dawn, at 25/4/06 11:50 AM
Hi Dawn,
Thank you for the great suggestions. I couldn’t agree more. It is not only a privilege but as you pointed out it is our Christian duty as well.
God's best,
brother John
J. Wendell, at 25/4/06 11:01 PM
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