Prolegomenon: Introduction to Systematic Theology 5
What are the Different Kinds of Theological Studies?
As we mentioned before under the heading The Materials of ST, there is a systematic method at deriving at ST each discipline affecting the other. This final portion of Prolegomenon we will state what these different kinds of Theological Studies are.
One that many enjoy is Biblical Theology. According to Dr. Charles Ryrie, a noted and much respected theologian, “Biblical theology is that branch of theological science which deals systematically with the historically conditioned progress of the self revelation of God as deposited in the Bible.” (Ryrie, Biblical Theology of the New Testament, p.12) BT is organized around and within the writers own context.
Terms associated with BT: Categories; Background; Historical and Cultural; Chronological and Progressive;
Historical Theology “...traces the development of the Biblical doctrines from the time of the apostles to the present day, and gives account of the results of this development in the life of the church.” (Strong). HT is a form of church history focusing on the development and understanding of doctrine, unfortunately it can tend toward deviation of true doctrine.
Specific Book Theologies form of Biblical theologies (plural). For example: OT theology, NT theology, Johanian theology, Pauline theology, etc.
“Philosophical Theology is theologizing which draws upon the input of philosophy rather than using merely biblical materials.” (Erickson) An example of this is the philosophy of language.
Integrative Theology is not new; it employs a six step plan as follows:
Problem: Identify the perimeter impact
Historical Hypothesis- solutions
Bible teaching
Apologetic Interaction
Relevance for Faith and Ministry
Integrative Theology claims that ST:
…doesn’t take historical theology seriously
…tends to proof text rather than follow the methods of biblical theology
…doesn’t employ a comprehensive enough test for truth
…often doesn’t defend doctrines of opposing views
…doesn’t show the relevance of each issue for the Christian life.
Systematic Theology explained by The Six Blind Men and the Elephant.
The Earnest Contender will attempt to show that ST is a logical, coherent, comprehensive, organization of teaching of Scripture into various divisions of theology.
Prolegomenon, introduction to Systematic Theology
Bibliology, the Doctrine of the Scriptures
Theology Proper, the Doctrine of God (mainly God the Father)
Christology, the Doctrine of the Son
Pneumatology, the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Angelology, the Doctrine of the Angels Elect
a) Satanology, the Doctrine of Satan
b) Demonology, the Doctrine of the Fallen Angels
Anthropology, the Doctrine of Man
Hamartiology, the Doctrine of Sin
Soteriology, the Doctrine of Salvation
Ecclesiology, the Doctrine of the Church
Israelology, the Doctrine of Israel (the lost or forgotten doctrine)
Eschatology, the Doctrine of the Last Things
A Survey of the Baptist Distinctives
Last, but not least there is Practical Theology. PT involves application of truths gleaned from theology, for the purpose of the regeneration of unbelievers; and the sanctification, edification, and service to believers.
This concludes our Study of Prolegomenon: Introduction to Systematic Theology.
Next we will begin Bibliology: the Doctrine of the Bible
As we mentioned before under the heading The Materials of ST, there is a systematic method at deriving at ST each discipline affecting the other. This final portion of Prolegomenon we will state what these different kinds of Theological Studies are.
One that many enjoy is Biblical Theology. According to Dr. Charles Ryrie, a noted and much respected theologian, “Biblical theology is that branch of theological science which deals systematically with the historically conditioned progress of the self revelation of God as deposited in the Bible.” (Ryrie, Biblical Theology of the New Testament, p.12) BT is organized around and within the writers own context.
Terms associated with BT: Categories; Background; Historical and Cultural; Chronological and Progressive;
Historical Theology “...traces the development of the Biblical doctrines from the time of the apostles to the present day, and gives account of the results of this development in the life of the church.” (Strong). HT is a form of church history focusing on the development and understanding of doctrine, unfortunately it can tend toward deviation of true doctrine.
Specific Book Theologies form of Biblical theologies (plural). For example: OT theology, NT theology, Johanian theology, Pauline theology, etc.
“Philosophical Theology is theologizing which draws upon the input of philosophy rather than using merely biblical materials.” (Erickson) An example of this is the philosophy of language.
Integrative Theology is not new; it employs a six step plan as follows:
Problem: Identify the perimeter impact
Historical Hypothesis- solutions
Bible teaching
Apologetic Interaction
Relevance for Faith and Ministry
Integrative Theology claims that ST:
…doesn’t take historical theology seriously
…tends to proof text rather than follow the methods of biblical theology
…doesn’t employ a comprehensive enough test for truth
…often doesn’t defend doctrines of opposing views
…doesn’t show the relevance of each issue for the Christian life.
Systematic Theology explained by The Six Blind Men and the Elephant.
The Earnest Contender will attempt to show that ST is a logical, coherent, comprehensive, organization of teaching of Scripture into various divisions of theology.
Prolegomenon, introduction to Systematic Theology
Bibliology, the Doctrine of the Scriptures
Theology Proper, the Doctrine of God (mainly God the Father)
Christology, the Doctrine of the Son
Pneumatology, the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Angelology, the Doctrine of the Angels Elect
a) Satanology, the Doctrine of Satan
b) Demonology, the Doctrine of the Fallen Angels
Anthropology, the Doctrine of Man
Hamartiology, the Doctrine of Sin
Soteriology, the Doctrine of Salvation
Ecclesiology, the Doctrine of the Church
Israelology, the Doctrine of Israel (the lost or forgotten doctrine)
Eschatology, the Doctrine of the Last Things
A Survey of the Baptist Distinctives
Last, but not least there is Practical Theology. PT involves application of truths gleaned from theology, for the purpose of the regeneration of unbelievers; and the sanctification, edification, and service to believers.
This concludes our Study of Prolegomenon: Introduction to Systematic Theology.
Next we will begin Bibliology: the Doctrine of the Bible
A huge systematic study absent from your list is the doctrine that takes up many pages of the Bible but is rarely taught and preached:
From the Greek "Misthos"
The Study of Eternal Rewards
Antonio, at 7/8/06 6:05 PM
I am honored with your visit.
I will have to consider where misthology would fit in; perhaps it would go nicely with eschatology under a subtitle of personal eschatology.
Thank you for your input.
J. Wendell, at 8/8/06 5:12 AM
I think it is big enough to command its own place
Antonio, at 8/8/06 6:40 PM
what would your out line of ST look like?
J. Wendell, at 9/8/06 5:04 AM
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