The Existence of God: 5
Biblical Arguments
As a Bible student I am going to start at the high ground and boldly and dogmatically declare “There is a God!” I need no other (naturalistic argument such as a-posteriori argument or a-posteriori argument) I need no other plea… (cf. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place)
A question posed here earlier in our discussion at the Earnest Contender Blog was, “Does the Bible present a formal proof for the existence of God?”
The answer was and still is, “No! Rather it presents God and takes for granted that all mankind should know that He is. Contenders for the faith should always take the high ground, ‘There is a God’ (Romans 1).”
The Bible begins from the highest point, for the Bible assumes and declares the existence of God (see Genesis 1:1), the Bible teaches the existence of God (see Gen. 1:1 - Rev. 22:21 i.e. the whole Bible), and the Bible argues for the existence of God (see Psalm 19, Isaiah 40:26, Acts 14:17)
There are some opposing views or problems too, we will review what they are on the next post.
Stay salty,
Brother John
As a Bible student I am going to start at the high ground and boldly and dogmatically declare “There is a God!” I need no other (naturalistic argument such as a-posteriori argument or a-posteriori argument) I need no other plea… (cf. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place)
A question posed here earlier in our discussion at the Earnest Contender Blog was, “Does the Bible present a formal proof for the existence of God?”
The answer was and still is, “No! Rather it presents God and takes for granted that all mankind should know that He is. Contenders for the faith should always take the high ground, ‘There is a God’ (Romans 1).”
The Bible begins from the highest point, for the Bible assumes and declares the existence of God (see Genesis 1:1), the Bible teaches the existence of God (see Gen. 1:1 - Rev. 22:21 i.e. the whole Bible), and the Bible argues for the existence of God (see Psalm 19, Isaiah 40:26, Acts 14:17)
There are some opposing views or problems too, we will review what they are on the next post.
Stay salty,
Brother John
Amen come out and bodly turn the lights on:
"For the Wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who supress the truth in unrighteousness." Romans 1:18
After a while you get tired of the neo-evangelical sneeking around, undercover "lets sneek some truth in without them knowing it" witness to skeptics and liberals way.
Turn the lights on full blast. Contenders for the faith must start here with a fully loaded fire pack on. Shine the light of truth.
Bhedr, at 6/2/07 10:16 PM
I love your zeal brother!
J. Wendell, at 7/2/07 7:20 AM
Thanks brother. Working on that refining heat part, but target practice has proved to be instructive. Sorry I had to blaze such a rough trail in the past though. Keep the faith brother. Keep that armour on.
Bhedr, at 7/2/07 5:44 PM
Hid in Christ! Cast into the depths of the sea! As far as the East is from the West!
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 8/2/07 6:02 AM
What a wonderful truth!!!
Bhedr, at 8/2/07 6:38 PM
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