The Existence of God: 2
The Teleological Argument
We have presented two types of naturalistic arguments a-posteriori or simply put inductive reasoning, and a-priori or deductive reasoning. We are presently touching on the a-posteriori or simply put inductive reasoning for the existence of God. A-posteriori or inductive reasoning is that which moves from effect to cause; consequence to antecedent; particulars to principal; and phenomenon to ground. Examples of a-posteriori or inductive reason are the cosmological argument, teleological argument, and the anthropological argument.
We have briefly explained the cosmological argument. Remember the key word for the cosmological argument is powerful. Now we come to the Teleological Argument. The word teleological comes from Teleos which carries the meaning end, thus this is known as the doctrine of ends or the doctrine of rational purpose. This a-posteriori reasoning attempts to substantiate that any design points to an intelligent Designer, it builds upon the cosmological argument, but adds meaning and purpose (see Romans 1:18-20).
The key word to understanding the Teleological Argument is:
We have presented two types of naturalistic arguments a-posteriori or simply put inductive reasoning, and a-priori or deductive reasoning. We are presently touching on the a-posteriori or simply put inductive reasoning for the existence of God. A-posteriori or inductive reasoning is that which moves from effect to cause; consequence to antecedent; particulars to principal; and phenomenon to ground. Examples of a-posteriori or inductive reason are the cosmological argument, teleological argument, and the anthropological argument.
We have briefly explained the cosmological argument. Remember the key word for the cosmological argument is powerful. Now we come to the Teleological Argument. The word teleological comes from Teleos which carries the meaning end, thus this is known as the doctrine of ends or the doctrine of rational purpose. This a-posteriori reasoning attempts to substantiate that any design points to an intelligent Designer, it builds upon the cosmological argument, but adds meaning and purpose (see Romans 1:18-20).
The key word to understanding the Teleological Argument is:
There are a lot of contemporary, famous Christians who use the teleological argument. Phillip E. Johnson in Darwin on Trial, Ken Ham in Answers in Genesis, among many others use various forms of the teleological argument. They make the observation that something is too complex, orderly, etc. to have occurred randomly, therefore that thing must have been dreated by an intelligent being. Only God fits that kind of being, therefore God exists.
When used correctly, teleological arguments can be very convincing.
Anonymous, at 27/1/07 12:07 PM
There are a lot of contemporary, famous Christians who use the teleological argument. Phillip E. Johnson in Darwin on Trial, Ken Ham in Answers in Genesis, among many others use various forms of the teleological argument. They make the observation that something is too complex, orderly, etc. to have occurred randomly, therefore that thing must have been dreated by an intelligent being. Only God fits that kind of being, therefore God exists.
When used correctly, teleological arguments can be very convincing.
Anonymous, at 27/1/07 12:08 PM
dreated? Oops, that's what you get when a monkey types on the keyboard. :o)
I meant created.
Anonymous, at 27/1/07 12:09 PM
Oh dear, I've double posted by first entry.
Sorry John.
Anonymous, at 27/1/07 12:10 PM
Hi Earl,
There are some very interesting outcomes of the various naturalistic arguments that I will share in a few posts. One of my favorites is a story told by one of the missionaries that our church supports, Dr. Viggo Olsen. He wrote a book called Daktar; I highly recommend this book to anyone. If you get a chance read chapters 5, 6, and 7. If you thought my last post was fun Daktar will be like a rollercoaster. I share more latter… Levi is a bit fussy.
Thanks for reading a bolstering my comment numbers. ;-)
In His fellowship,
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 27/1/07 6:55 PM
John, you're welcome (for bolstering the reply numbers) :o). I'm on the new blogger, and I have to login to the new blogger whenever I post a comment. Up until today, the new blogger would discard what I initially typed. Now it doesn't.
Levi's fussy? I'm being to noisy again. :o)
Anonymous, at 27/1/07 9:13 PM
Hi Earl,
Do you like the new Blogger? Answer softlty, Levi seems content for now. :-)
J. Wendell, at 28/1/07 11:59 AM
(whispering) ...yes, I like it very much now. At first the new blogger was rough around the edges, but it has gotten better. It is easier to modify. I was having problems with the old blogger getting my posts without large gaps in front, but that all went away with the new blogger.
Anonymous, at 28/1/07 2:34 PM
Hmm, I wonder if I should try it. You know, Baptists are a little leery of change. Thanks for being so courteous. I should try to get out a bit today perhaps I'll come to visit you.
J. Wendell, at 28/1/07 2:53 PM
I hope all of these cosmos appeals aren't going to lead to you telling me to drink my koolaide and lay down in my bunk to catch the next comet home:-)
Good series of posts brother. Enjoying it.
Bhedr, at 28/1/07 9:20 PM
Hi Brian,
That's one reason God gave us His Word. We are all responsible (as you have pointed out many times) for how we handle it. I wish more people would read it with understanding and supplication. That's how we can all avoid the errors of the cults.
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 30/1/07 8:08 AM
Amen brother that is where the powerful argument can end at times and that is why we must immerse that argument with the foundation of biblical truth...that seems to be where you are heading anyhow and where you have been. This could be helpful for all alien spacemen looking for comets.
Bhedr, at 30/1/07 6:54 PM
BTW Dr John Morris showed us some fascinating finds from the hubble telescope in his presentation.
Bhedr, at 30/1/07 6:55 PM
I'm sure it displayed nothing less than God's glory. Wish I could have seen that.
J. Wendell, at 31/1/07 7:09 AM
It revealed our galaxy to be the center of the universe. It was awesome and by the time he was done we all knew God was right there with us looking at each of us knowing every thought counting every hair.
Bhedr, at 31/1/07 5:49 PM
Too Cool.
J. Wendell, at 1/2/07 7:13 AM
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