Prayer, Praise, Promise, or Problems
I am not denying problems exist, but given a choice what do you give your first thoughts to when you wake up in the morning? Prayer, vocally expressing my heart to God does my soul good; it is usually my first conscience contact with the Lord. If I have given in to focus on any particular problem I know I can cast my cares upon Him Who cares about me.
Prayer will usually move me to praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Are blessings flowing? You bet they are! Try this look around you find even the smallest thing that you enjoy, (it could be a plant, a painting, a bird, a color, the sun rise, or any slight thing in which you may delight) begin to thank God for it and see what other things come to mind to praise Him for. You may need an alarm or some other trigger to keep you from over doing it; some of us are still bound by time.
Then, what I do, is begin to remember the promises He made and the many He has fulfilled, sometimes I talk to Him about this one and that one, this too fills my heart with praise “a vicious cycle” (said with a smile, because this is a good problem to have). He promised eternal life to all who believe in Him, He promised that He would never leave you or forsake you, He promised He would come to our aid in trouble, and be with us in our joys. I can feel praise in my heart again, don’t you?
Another choice is focusing on problems. “God is to busy to think about my little problems” a lady assured the preacher. The wise and witty preacher responded, “Madam, may I remind you that He is concerned about all the details of your life. To Him all problems are small and He is certainly capable to meet your needs large or small.”
Your problems are not your problems. Your attitude toward your problem is the problem.
What will you give your attention to, prayer, praise, promise, or problems?
Prayer will usually move me to praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Are blessings flowing? You bet they are! Try this look around you find even the smallest thing that you enjoy, (it could be a plant, a painting, a bird, a color, the sun rise, or any slight thing in which you may delight) begin to thank God for it and see what other things come to mind to praise Him for. You may need an alarm or some other trigger to keep you from over doing it; some of us are still bound by time.
Then, what I do, is begin to remember the promises He made and the many He has fulfilled, sometimes I talk to Him about this one and that one, this too fills my heart with praise “a vicious cycle” (said with a smile, because this is a good problem to have). He promised eternal life to all who believe in Him, He promised that He would never leave you or forsake you, He promised He would come to our aid in trouble, and be with us in our joys. I can feel praise in my heart again, don’t you?
Another choice is focusing on problems. “God is to busy to think about my little problems” a lady assured the preacher. The wise and witty preacher responded, “Madam, may I remind you that He is concerned about all the details of your life. To Him all problems are small and He is certainly capable to meet your needs large or small.”
Your problems are not your problems. Your attitude toward your problem is the problem.
What will you give your attention to, prayer, praise, promise, or problems?
We need to livea life of prayer.
Matthew Celestine, at 6/3/08 2:41 PM
Hi Matthew,
Well put.
Thanks for commenting here.
J. Wendell, at 6/3/08 6:05 PM
Well written!
Earl Flask, at 7/3/08 12:58 AM
Earl, brother,
You are kind. Not to compare apples to oranges, but isn’t sort of a kindness a fruit? (Col. 3:12)
J. Wendell, at 7/3/08 5:09 AM
Thanks for the great post. I so often focus inwardly on my problems rather than outwardly in order to share the gospel or to look at the work of the cross. Your encouragement reminds me to keep my focus on what really matters.
Thanks again,
Anonymous, at 3/9/08 11:26 PM
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