My New Brother!
Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; (2Cor.5: 16-18)
It’s hard to forget the eagerness of awaiting that first-born child. It is a time of growth, responsibility, and hard work. It seems the anticipation increased when number two was on the horizon. Looking back at it, my son Elliot was very excited about becoming a big brother. One of the books we read often was “I’m a Big Brother Now!” This assisted in preparing him to have an accepting, kind, and helpful attitude toward the baby. When we brought the newborn baby, Charlotte to our house, in those first weeks, Elliot would gleam with pride as if to say, “That’s my little sister. I’m a big brother now!” In a similar way, Rose and I are rejoicing over another addition to the family. However, this is not another child in the Cole family, but in God’s family.
My wife’s brother, Pat, has recently (in the past six months) been born-again. That is, he has come to know Jesus Christ, trusting in the finished work of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection alone for salvation. He is my new brother! It is an exiting and fearful time. It is a time of growth, responsibility, and hard work. I take pleasure in watching as my new brother takes his first steps. Pat is disciplined, committed to, and diligent in reading (I should say studying) his Bible, praying, meeting with a local church and sharing his faith with others. He asks good questions, some of which I can answer, some which challenge me, and some just stump me. This is the way a Christian grows and matures in the faith.
I truly delight in his joy and satisfaction in our Savior! I also feel his sorrow for those in our family that are lost. We have loved ones who cling to a dead religion of works righteousness, or who have become complacent and indifferent about their eternal destiny and their present gloom. There are other people we know who think that they are right with God because they “made a decision when they were five,” “walked the isle,” and/or were “baptized” - yet there is no fruit - no evidence of conversion - no desires to meet with other believers, read the Bible, or pray.
May I remind those of us who are heaven-bound to pray that the Father would draw lost loved ones to Himself, and that they would respond to His offer of salvation. Also, I pray that our Savior would enter afresh into the lives of those who have by God’s grace “become new”.
It is such a delight to see someone being transformed by the renewing of his mind, not reformed by a different set of practices. I am so encouraged by my new brother that I had to pass this story onto you. Is there a new brother or sister near to you that you wish to comment on? Perhaps you are a new creature and you want to tell us what Jesus did for you, so others may rejoice with you too. Q & A always welcomed.
It’s hard to forget the eagerness of awaiting that first-born child. It is a time of growth, responsibility, and hard work. It seems the anticipation increased when number two was on the horizon. Looking back at it, my son Elliot was very excited about becoming a big brother. One of the books we read often was “I’m a Big Brother Now!” This assisted in preparing him to have an accepting, kind, and helpful attitude toward the baby. When we brought the newborn baby, Charlotte to our house, in those first weeks, Elliot would gleam with pride as if to say, “That’s my little sister. I’m a big brother now!” In a similar way, Rose and I are rejoicing over another addition to the family. However, this is not another child in the Cole family, but in God’s family.
My wife’s brother, Pat, has recently (in the past six months) been born-again. That is, he has come to know Jesus Christ, trusting in the finished work of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection alone for salvation. He is my new brother! It is an exiting and fearful time. It is a time of growth, responsibility, and hard work. I take pleasure in watching as my new brother takes his first steps. Pat is disciplined, committed to, and diligent in reading (I should say studying) his Bible, praying, meeting with a local church and sharing his faith with others. He asks good questions, some of which I can answer, some which challenge me, and some just stump me. This is the way a Christian grows and matures in the faith.
I truly delight in his joy and satisfaction in our Savior! I also feel his sorrow for those in our family that are lost. We have loved ones who cling to a dead religion of works righteousness, or who have become complacent and indifferent about their eternal destiny and their present gloom. There are other people we know who think that they are right with God because they “made a decision when they were five,” “walked the isle,” and/or were “baptized” - yet there is no fruit - no evidence of conversion - no desires to meet with other believers, read the Bible, or pray.
May I remind those of us who are heaven-bound to pray that the Father would draw lost loved ones to Himself, and that they would respond to His offer of salvation. Also, I pray that our Savior would enter afresh into the lives of those who have by God’s grace “become new”.
It is such a delight to see someone being transformed by the renewing of his mind, not reformed by a different set of practices. I am so encouraged by my new brother that I had to pass this story onto you. Is there a new brother or sister near to you that you wish to comment on? Perhaps you are a new creature and you want to tell us what Jesus did for you, so others may rejoice with you too. Q & A always welcomed.
john this is your new brother. thanks for those words of encouragement. i want to comment on a few of them. you wrote: "That is, he has come to know Jesus Christ, trusting in the finished work of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection alone for salvation." At the risk o sounding like a broken record, but for the benefit of any reader, I will parse a few words here. I have trusted in the finished work of Christs death, burial and resurrection for many, many years. I have also believed the bible is the literal Word of God for many, many years. I had read the entire New Testament and most of the old. I have been a dilligent churchgoer for 13 years taking several neighborhood children and nieces and nephews whose parents were not exposing them to who Jesus is. I BELIEVED in Jesus and knew he died or my sins and I prayed to him every night and quite often otherwise. I talked to other people about the importance o having Jesus in their lives. I have sponsored mission children or years and years and donated money for good causes. I had “partying”. I was living a Christian lifestyle. A casual observer in my neighborhood would most likely not notice any difference in me. There is one thing I did recently that changed everything or me. I committed my life to serving Jesus. I had never done that before. It is critically necessary! There was still something in this world I considered "key" to my happiness. It was not something sordid, but something that I didnt trust God to deliver...something I thought was key to leading me to happiness that had eluded me. It was a wife and family of my own. Honorable enough right? Let me tell you the truth...Jesus said if you love your wife or daughter, husband, son more than me you are not worthy of me. He said if you wont pick up your cross and follow me you are not worthy of me. He said to put 1st the things of the Lord and ALL these things will be added to you. Paul calls committing your life to serving Jesus "reasonable service." Reasonable! not extraordinary! Just reasonable. There are no shortcuts to salvation. Having faith means committing your LIFE to Jesus. It does not mean keeping one dream, however noble, ahead of that trust and faith and love for and in Jesus. It means not worrying about YOUR happiness and trusting that God will supply it abundantly for you. NOW I "know" Jesus and I follow him and listen to him and He "knows" me. Ive never been so happy and content! What comes will come. If you are reading this and you are thinking you are right with God, but you haven’t had a profound born again experience…then commit yourself. You wont be disappointed!
Anonymous, at 19/9/05 12:42 PM
praise the Lord for His marvelous work, that we have been saved by Grace (through Faith) and that not of is the gift of God, NOT of works....
Anonymous, at 19/9/05 7:43 PM
Thanks for the letter. I pray for your brother in Christ. I remember the time my sister Chere came to Christ a few years ago and I was exactly in the same position as you. God sure surprised me with Chere and that was so exciting. Just to help you see what is going on she is growing leaps and bounds and I remember a few weeks ago when she was over how enthralled she is with Christ.
She was up with me until about 2AM or 3AM talking about the Lord and studying the scriptures with me.
Blessings to you,
Shawn Lynes
Shawn, at 19/9/05 10:26 PM
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