The Fundamentals of the Faith (Part 6)
His Atonement and Redemption
Jesus’ ultimate mission was not only to make atonement for sins, He also came to redeem, and therefore save fallen man from his sin. His death, burial, and resurection gives believer’s power over Satan, sin, and self. What is commonly refered to as His atonement makes it possible for sinners to have a personal relationship with the living God. Jesus accomplished this on the cross of Calvary. He offered Himself up as a perfect once-and-for-all sacrifice to God the Father on our behalf and for His benefit and pleasure. His death was no accident, it was:
Voluntary, by His own free will (Jn. 6:51;10:14-18).
Predetermined, set to happen, prophesied, and predicted in the Old Testament and by Jesus Himself (Is.53; Jn.10:17).
Sacrificial, giving up of Himself (Jn.13:37).
Expiatory, He made full amends for the wrong doing and guilt of those sinners who trust in Him alone (Jn.316-18,36; Heb.9:22; Heb.10).
Propitiatory, He appeased God’s full wrath for everyone who believes (Rom3:25; 1Jn.2:2;4:10).
Redemptive, He paid-off the price to purchase us from the slave-market of sin (Rom.3:24; Eph.1:7), and
Substitutionary He suffered, in our place, God’s wrath that we justly deserve(Is.53:6).
This atonement is universal in its appeal, but practical only to those who receive it by faith. It is by grace through faith in Christ alone, that His accomplishments merit eternal life and can make a difference in ones life (Eph.2:8-10). This is Salvation (or being “born again”)! We cannot do any good thing to get this atonement. We simply have to receive it from Him as a gift. Like a beggar with open hands with nothing to offer. This is apart from any religious ceremony, sacrament or creed.
Do you know this Jesus who died for you?
Jesus’ ultimate mission was not only to make atonement for sins, He also came to redeem, and therefore save fallen man from his sin. His death, burial, and resurection gives believer’s power over Satan, sin, and self. What is commonly refered to as His atonement makes it possible for sinners to have a personal relationship with the living God. Jesus accomplished this on the cross of Calvary. He offered Himself up as a perfect once-and-for-all sacrifice to God the Father on our behalf and for His benefit and pleasure. His death was no accident, it was:
Voluntary, by His own free will (Jn. 6:51;10:14-18).
Predetermined, set to happen, prophesied, and predicted in the Old Testament and by Jesus Himself (Is.53; Jn.10:17).
Sacrificial, giving up of Himself (Jn.13:37).
Expiatory, He made full amends for the wrong doing and guilt of those sinners who trust in Him alone (Jn.316-18,36; Heb.9:22; Heb.10).
Propitiatory, He appeased God’s full wrath for everyone who believes (Rom3:25; 1Jn.2:2;4:10).
Redemptive, He paid-off the price to purchase us from the slave-market of sin (Rom.3:24; Eph.1:7), and
Substitutionary He suffered, in our place, God’s wrath that we justly deserve(Is.53:6).
This atonement is universal in its appeal, but practical only to those who receive it by faith. It is by grace through faith in Christ alone, that His accomplishments merit eternal life and can make a difference in ones life (Eph.2:8-10). This is Salvation (or being “born again”)! We cannot do any good thing to get this atonement. We simply have to receive it from Him as a gift. Like a beggar with open hands with nothing to offer. This is apart from any religious ceremony, sacrament or creed.
Do you know this Jesus who died for you?
Interesting point about atonement, Scripture never says that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins. Romans 5:11 seems to except the KJV writer's misinterpreted the word as it should be "reconciliation" as it is the same word as used in verse 10. Atonement means "to cover" and Christ did not cover our sins, He removed them. OT sacrifices atoned, Christ removed the issue of sin altogether.
jeff, at 31/5/06 9:01 AM
Hi John
He paid the Price....
Good post
Thank you
forgiven, at 31/5/06 12:34 PM
Great post, John.
I think it is questionable that we use the term atonement to such an extent.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 31/5/06 1:48 PM
Amen Jeff and DF! I should change this up a bit. Good going great insight. Thanks for pointing this out.
Forgiven, He sure did!
Thanks for the good comments.
J. Wendell, at 31/5/06 3:41 PM
OK! The change is made I feel much better.
J. Wendell, at 31/5/06 3:48 PM
No problem! I'm here for you!
jeff, at 1/6/06 7:50 AM
I believe you brother… it’s been test and proved!
J. Wendell, at 1/6/06 4:05 PM
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