The Fundamentals of the Faith (Part 10)
Authentic Fundamentalism should not be confused with the approach by some religious people who think it is important to nitpick on externalities. Here are some of the issues often given focus that are not fundamentals of the faith:
- Different translations of the Bible
- Days of celebration and/or worship
- Eating and not eating certain foods
- Wine vs. grape juice
- Hair styles
- The wearing of certain clothing styles
- The use of make-up for women
- Jewelry
- Playing billiards or pool
- Playing cards
- Dancing
- Movies
- Swimming
- Listening to or using various musical instruments or styles
- Gum chewing, and
- Wearing eye glasses
Believe it, or not these last two were taboo at one time.
There may be value in discussing some of these issues; however, these have been confused with the “fundamentals of the faith”, these matters should not be the fighting ground between Bible believers!
Instead, we should be bold and declare together that:
The Bible and the Bible alone is God’s Word.
The Creator is the Triune God. The Lord Jesus Christ is God.
Jesus’ ultimate mission was to become a sacrifice for fallen man.
Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven corporally, (i.e. physical or bodily).
Jesus’ return is imminent and will be physical.
Will you stand fast in these "fudamentals of the faith" and be an earnest contender?
I do not believe that Christ's return is imminent, as it is often understood.
It could not occur at any moment. Hence, I do not believe the word 'imminent' is at all helpful.
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew Celestine, at 4/6/06 3:21 PM
Amen! Count me!
Hey once in the other Church we attended that was also KJV only the Sunday School superintendant came into our Adult class and saw a couple of us still eating a donut and drinking coffee while listening to the teacher. He said, "you need to stop that, no eating and drinking during Sunday School, Its in the Bible, but I don't have time to find it right now."
He actually was serious. We put the donuts away.
Bhedr, at 4/6/06 6:28 PM
Maybe that was a reference to 1 Corinthians 11, Brian-
"Have ye not house in which to eat and drink?"
Matthew Celestine, at 5/6/06 3:59 AM
That was in respect to defiling the Lord's supper. Not donuts offered by the Church itself having made no notice of stipulations during Sunday School.
The Sunday School teacher was still drinking coffee too.
Bhedr, at 5/6/06 4:35 PM
Perhaps I am a bit over zealous to have used the word “imminent” in a post on the fundamentals. We will agree that Scripture speaks of Christ’s second coming, but we may differ on the course of His coming. Thanks for pointing this out to me.
J. Wendell, at 8/6/06 5:06 AM
I like donuts! When you guys come to our ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship), we have food. On rare occasion we have a fast, but on the norm there are bagels, or casseroles, danish, fruit, or donuts, always coffee, juice, and milk. Sometimes we plan and have brunch!
It takes a level of commitment and work. All who participate in the preparation are usually the ones who leave the most satisfied. This goes for the physical food, and the spiritual food. We open the Bible; expose it, and unfold it and we are fed with it by our heavenly Shepherd. Nothing delights me more than when my brothers and sisters leave with a desire to return for more food and fellowship.
Yes, that is an invitation! All are welcome to come.
J. Wendell, at 8/6/06 5:30 AM
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