The Attributes that Are True of God Alone: Simplicity
Simplicity means that God is un-compounded, incomplex, indivisible. God is one essence not made up of in parts. Incorporeal, invisible, without material substance, and without physical parts, or passions, and therefore He is free from all temporal limitations. This is possible for God because God a Spirit.
John 4:24; "...God is Spirit..."
There are at least Seven consequences of being a Spirit
1. God is not a corporeal or material being (cf. Luke 24:39).
2. God is immaterial, He can't be divided or compounded (see Luke 24:39).
3. God is invisible (Rom 1:20; Col. 1:15; 1Tim 1:17).
4. He is a spiritual substance, or reality. (John 4:24)
5. He posseses personality. This is seen in His intellect (God knew Abraham in Genesis 18:19; God knows Israel's affliction in Exodus 4:31),emotion (God was grieved in Genesis 6:6; God has the emotions of anger love and pity in Psalm 103:8-13 and so on), and will (God says, "...I will..." as in Genesis 3: 15 and in John 19:30 He does; God does whatsoever He pleases, and whatsoever God pleases He does as in Psalm 115:3).
6. He is a living God (see Joshua 3:10; 1Sam. 17:26; Ps. 84:2; 1Thess. 1:9).
7. Morality, God is a moral being (Ex. 34:6-7).
We must worship God in spirit (John 4:24).
This strikes me with a sense of awe that God would allow sinful man (anthropos) to worship Him in His holiness. That He would desire worship from the likes of you and me. That the holy God would make a provision for us to worship Him (Christ crucified, arose), free of sin and guilt. That we may be born of His Spirit, become His very own child and worship Him in Spirit and truth. Will you make time today, brother and/or sister to worship Him in Spirit and in truth?
Brother John
Simplicity means that God is un-compounded, incomplex, indivisible. God is one essence not made up of in parts. Incorporeal, invisible, without material substance, and without physical parts, or passions, and therefore He is free from all temporal limitations. This is possible for God because God a Spirit.
John 4:24; "...God is Spirit..."
There are at least Seven consequences of being a Spirit
1. God is not a corporeal or material being (cf. Luke 24:39).
2. God is immaterial, He can't be divided or compounded (see Luke 24:39).
3. God is invisible (Rom 1:20; Col. 1:15; 1Tim 1:17).
4. He is a spiritual substance, or reality. (John 4:24)
5. He posseses personality. This is seen in His intellect (God knew Abraham in Genesis 18:19; God knows Israel's affliction in Exodus 4:31),emotion (God was grieved in Genesis 6:6; God has the emotions of anger love and pity in Psalm 103:8-13 and so on), and will (God says, "...I will..." as in Genesis 3: 15 and in John 19:30 He does; God does whatsoever He pleases, and whatsoever God pleases He does as in Psalm 115:3).
6. He is a living God (see Joshua 3:10; 1Sam. 17:26; Ps. 84:2; 1Thess. 1:9).
7. Morality, God is a moral being (Ex. 34:6-7).
We must worship God in spirit (John 4:24).
This strikes me with a sense of awe that God would allow sinful man (anthropos) to worship Him in His holiness. That He would desire worship from the likes of you and me. That the holy God would make a provision for us to worship Him (Christ crucified, arose), free of sin and guilt. That we may be born of His Spirit, become His very own child and worship Him in Spirit and truth. Will you make time today, brother and/or sister to worship Him in Spirit and in truth?
Brother John
A lot of theologians are unhappy with the doctrine of the simplicity of God, arguing that it is grounded in Greek philosophy and does not fit in with a Trinitarian conception of God.
However, I believe that it is an important teaching.
Matthew Celestine, at 8/4/07 11:11 AM
Happy Resurrection Sunday!!
Peace be with you!!
John 20:19-21 "On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”
Anonymous, at 8/4/07 1:05 PM
Hi Matthew,
I am pleased that you agree with this one. I do hope to round off theology proper with solid Trinitarian thought and expose some of the errors related to it, but it will follow the attributes of God.
Thanks for your comment.
Hi Shawn,
Happy Resurrection Sunday! To you! What an uplifting salutation. Thanks.
In His fellowship,
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 8/4/07 8:13 PM
Kind of amzing that He would love me enough to send His Son to suffer the wrath and fury upon my sins that I deserve. A thrice Holy God picking up the debt for my sin. The whipping, the punches, the spiting, the crown of thorns, the nails in the forearms and feet...
mark pierson, at 9/4/07 1:17 PM
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