The Earnest Contender Embraces Replacement Theology
What “The Earnest Contender” Embraces Replacement Theology?
That’s right, I do!
You may be asking, “Has someone defeated ‘The Earnest Contender’?”
“Am I at the wrong website?”
“Did I turn on the wrong computer?”
“Is this ‘Bazaaro World’?”
Many Reformers are Still Reforming!
The main-line Reformation churches are still reforming their theology. They want it to fit into (or conform with) tolerance and acceptance of theories of evolution, homosexual priests, women preachers, and one world-wide political and religious organization. Thank God there are still those who have a more biblical approach to historic Reformation Theology and the godly men and women it produced and still produces. Phew!
A New Ecumenism
A “new ecumenism” is reported to be taking hold in evangelical churches; the glue that holds these new evangelicals together is not the ole’ “Let’s forget doctrine and just love Jesus”, or tongues, or an encounter with God, or any other experience, but something that sounds even more religious: “The Doctrines of Grace”! If one conforms to, or holds to, or is tolerant of these extreme views of Calvinism, then that one may be included warmly… no mater what other doctrines that one holds to. Everyone outside these “Doctrines of Grace” needs further enlightenment. If you are elect, keep seeking this enlightenment you’ll get it. If you are not elect, you cannot seek it anyway so don’t try. I don’t think you should even want to try. BTW, Antonio, they would all accept you, too, if you would say the DOG is from GOD. Until then, I am afraid you will have to put up with the shameless ridicule you have been enduring for believing in Jesus for eternal life.
Just In
The World Council of Churches of Christ is meeting with other religious leaders to discuss ways to evangelize the world. Leaders from Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, and even Christian groups will be discussing the use of proper etiquette, etc. in evangelism. Rose from Rose’s Reasonings was pondering the purpose of this meeting and asked, “I wonder, what is their ‘evangel’?” Good question Rose. Who knows? I would sooner consult my Bible than this cluster of religionists.
The Earnest Contender Embraces Replacement Theology
“That’s right I do!” was the surprising comment by the blog administrator J. Wendell. “It has been right under my nose in the book of Romans!” When asked to explain this new revelation, J. Wendell released the following statement:
Revelation is not the right word to use. Illumination or enlightenment would be less confusing. It dawned on me as I was reading Romans 12:1-2:
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Focusing my attention on verse two (2) and the words, be not conformed to this world, I realized that is what I was doing by allowing lust, anger and envy to rule my day and ruin my sweet fellowship with God. Then when I focused on the words, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, I realized that renewing my mind is what I need to do daily as I mediate on Scripture, praying, and enjoy sweet communion with the Lord. Get it? Theology should be teaching us to replace our ugliness of sin with Christ’s beauty of holiness.
He wants us to conform into His likeness!
I get so excited about this…
He is changing me from the inside out!
I gotta go tell someone…
Stay bright,
Brother John
That’s right, I do!
You may be asking, “Has someone defeated ‘The Earnest Contender’?”
“Am I at the wrong website?”
“Did I turn on the wrong computer?”
“Is this ‘Bazaaro World’?”
Many Reformers are Still Reforming!
The main-line Reformation churches are still reforming their theology. They want it to fit into (or conform with) tolerance and acceptance of theories of evolution, homosexual priests, women preachers, and one world-wide political and religious organization. Thank God there are still those who have a more biblical approach to historic Reformation Theology and the godly men and women it produced and still produces. Phew!
A New Ecumenism
A “new ecumenism” is reported to be taking hold in evangelical churches; the glue that holds these new evangelicals together is not the ole’ “Let’s forget doctrine and just love Jesus”, or tongues, or an encounter with God, or any other experience, but something that sounds even more religious: “The Doctrines of Grace”! If one conforms to, or holds to, or is tolerant of these extreme views of Calvinism, then that one may be included warmly… no mater what other doctrines that one holds to. Everyone outside these “Doctrines of Grace” needs further enlightenment. If you are elect, keep seeking this enlightenment you’ll get it. If you are not elect, you cannot seek it anyway so don’t try. I don’t think you should even want to try. BTW, Antonio, they would all accept you, too, if you would say the DOG is from GOD. Until then, I am afraid you will have to put up with the shameless ridicule you have been enduring for believing in Jesus for eternal life.
Just In
The World Council of Churches of Christ is meeting with other religious leaders to discuss ways to evangelize the world. Leaders from Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, and even Christian groups will be discussing the use of proper etiquette, etc. in evangelism. Rose from Rose’s Reasonings was pondering the purpose of this meeting and asked, “I wonder, what is their ‘evangel’?” Good question Rose. Who knows? I would sooner consult my Bible than this cluster of religionists.
The Earnest Contender Embraces Replacement Theology
“That’s right I do!” was the surprising comment by the blog administrator J. Wendell. “It has been right under my nose in the book of Romans!” When asked to explain this new revelation, J. Wendell released the following statement:
Revelation is not the right word to use. Illumination or enlightenment would be less confusing. It dawned on me as I was reading Romans 12:1-2:
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Focusing my attention on verse two (2) and the words, be not conformed to this world, I realized that is what I was doing by allowing lust, anger and envy to rule my day and ruin my sweet fellowship with God. Then when I focused on the words, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, I realized that renewing my mind is what I need to do daily as I mediate on Scripture, praying, and enjoy sweet communion with the Lord. Get it? Theology should be teaching us to replace our ugliness of sin with Christ’s beauty of holiness.
He wants us to conform into His likeness!
I get so excited about this…
He is changing me from the inside out!
I gotta go tell someone…
Stay bright,
Brother John
Dear Jesus,
Please replace me with You.
(The sooner the better)
I love you, and thank you for dying for me so that I can live with you forever.
Antonio, at 9/8/07 3:06 PM
John, you are truly a contentious contender! :)
You just about had me...worried.
Jim, at 9/8/07 5:00 PM
Sounds good. What if I come in with no particular theology to replace? Do you think it will still install o.k?
Todd Saunders, at 9/8/07 7:00 PM
You see, I first came upon this theology thing after I was already a christian believer.
Todd Saunders, at 9/8/07 7:08 PM
Well, John, I see now that I missed your really nice point. Sorry. Maybe I'll just trashcan them both. Heat stroke yesterday.
Todd Saunders, at 10/8/07 10:34 AM
That is a sweet prayer. I hope you know that even while we may have some minor disagreement from time to time, we at TEC love you and accept you.
J. Wendell, at 10/8/07 2:54 PM
I also know you love and accept us.
J. Wendell, at 10/8/07 2:57 PM
I also know you love and accept those in Christ who try to intimidate you.
J. Wendell, at 10/8/07 2:59 PM
I was being a bit snide, and then I read the post here and took it as a good and gentle rebuke to me.
J. Wendell, at 10/8/07 3:00 PM
Hi Todd,
I too have found a love for theology after I was saved.
I am not sure why you would want to “trashcan them both.” Your comments were fine pertinent and to the point.
Hey, I like that!
J. Wendell, at 10/8/07 3:00 PM
These are some interesting points you raise about Reformed Theology. I found this post very enjoyable.
Anonymous, at 10/8/07 4:54 PM
Hi GC,
I am glad you enjoyed this post! Don't get me wrong there are many in the reformed camp that I love and respect in the Lord. There are also many in the reformed camp who love and respect me (Who knows why?). We disagree from time to time, but in Christ we mostly agree. Sadly, there are those who seem to be wired to being disagreeable, mean spirited, spiteful, and hurtful to others. If you think I am speaking only of those in the reformed camp, I am not this spirit cuts across all theological boundaries we set up.
Our goal should be to be conformed into the image of God’s Son. This is my heart beat and passion.
J. Wendell, at 11/8/07 7:16 AM
Thank you bro. John! I almost had a mind-bender when I saw the teaser for this over at Rose's Reasonings! Excellent post.
Bro. Antonio, I agree with your 1st post 100% for my own life. Beautifully said, brother!
David Wyatt, at 12/8/07 9:18 PM
Thanks for reading, sorry for the stress.
J. Wendell, at 13/8/07 6:11 AM
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