Biblical Authority
Biblical authority is foundational to all the other doctrinal distinctives of biblical Baptists. This teaching is straight forward, and I think it is fairly safe to say, without controversy. The Bible alone is God’s completed Word and final authority for man. The Bible is God’s Word, not man’s word. The Bible makes certain and definite claims that do not appear in any other “holy book”. The Bible claims that it is eternal (it stands forever Is. 40:8; 1Pet. 1:24-25). It is inerrant or infallible (there are no mistakes in it 2Sam. 22:31; Ps. 18:30; 19:7; 12:6; Prov. 30:5). It is plenary (i.e. all, or every portion of it) and verbally (i.e. the Holy Spirit lead in the choice of each word) inspired (i.e. lit. breathed out from God 2Tim. 3:16-17).
This doctrine has been called “Sola Scriptura” which means that the Bible alone (and in its entirety) is the Word of God; this applies to all 66 of the canonical (recognized) Books from Genesis 1:1- Revelation 22:21.
There are many warnings in the Scriptures not to trifle with its sacred contents. Yet there are those who feel that parts of the Bible can “become” God’s Word as one reads them. The idea that there are select portions that are, and other portions that are not, God’s Word does not jell with what the Bible itself states in 2Tim3:16, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…” The Bible not only contains God’s Word, it is God’s Word through and through.
The Bible is the supreme truth: over-ruling human reason, tradition, experience, and knowledge. All other writings and experiences should be evaluated as they line up with the Bible. No one has a special “inner light” or anything else that can replace, add to, or take away from, what is already revealed in the Bible. There is no authority given to any organization, clergy leader which goes beyond, above, or equal to the authority of the Bible. This includes extra books and writings, so-called visions, dreams, tongues, and feelings or thoughts which some groups call “direct revelation from God”. None of this is authoritative, Sola Scriptura is.
Check out my post on How God Communicates and please leave a comment or question here or there. All are welcome including those who are theological liberals, neo-orthodox, charismatic, and spiritualist. Perhaps you’re one who doesn’t like the idea that God reveals Himself through the Bible, or you have some other authority to govern your life. Here is a good place for courteous dialogue. Q&A is always welcome.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
This doctrine has been called “Sola Scriptura” which means that the Bible alone (and in its entirety) is the Word of God; this applies to all 66 of the canonical (recognized) Books from Genesis 1:1- Revelation 22:21.
There are many warnings in the Scriptures not to trifle with its sacred contents. Yet there are those who feel that parts of the Bible can “become” God’s Word as one reads them. The idea that there are select portions that are, and other portions that are not, God’s Word does not jell with what the Bible itself states in 2Tim3:16, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…” The Bible not only contains God’s Word, it is God’s Word through and through.
The Bible is the supreme truth: over-ruling human reason, tradition, experience, and knowledge. All other writings and experiences should be evaluated as they line up with the Bible. No one has a special “inner light” or anything else that can replace, add to, or take away from, what is already revealed in the Bible. There is no authority given to any organization, clergy leader which goes beyond, above, or equal to the authority of the Bible. This includes extra books and writings, so-called visions, dreams, tongues, and feelings or thoughts which some groups call “direct revelation from God”. None of this is authoritative, Sola Scriptura is.
Check out my post on How God Communicates and please leave a comment or question here or there. All are welcome including those who are theological liberals, neo-orthodox, charismatic, and spiritualist. Perhaps you’re one who doesn’t like the idea that God reveals Himself through the Bible, or you have some other authority to govern your life. Here is a good place for courteous dialogue. Q&A is always welcome.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
What a great post! You're my favorite blogger.
Anonymous, at 21/9/05 10:18 AM
That's sweet! :-)
It really is a great post though.
Jeremy Weaver, at 21/9/05 7:54 PM
Rose~ God bless you, my sister (in Christ) my spouse, you and the fruit of your womb.
Jeremy~ Thanks for the encouragement.
Keep coming back!
J. Wendell, at 21/9/05 11:38 PM
Sad that you ignore science and embrace a 2,000 year old collection of stories. Evolution is proven. Fact. To teach children otherwise is to ill prepare them for life. Time to step out of the dark ages and into the light of science and all it has to offer.
Anonymous, at 29/9/05 1:25 AM
thanks for stopping by. I hope you had a chance to look at my link to Answers in Genesis it really does make sense that in a world of intricate patterns there would be a designer. When we can see tremendous power displayed (solar, hydraulic, etc.) that there would be a power source. Well of course there is, the almighty God!
"For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him." (Col.1:16)
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." (Rom. 1:20-21)
Don't let your mind be darkened by the trappings of this world, Jesus died for you! He rose from the dead and is ready to accept you as you are, wont you trust Him? Check out my post on What is Saving Faith too, get up to date on a new life clean and free from guilt.
Keep coming back friend!
J. Wendell, at 29/9/05 3:21 AM
Hi John,
I like the way you answered 'anonymous', I think he's posted on my blog too (anonymously, of course). He's like a drive-by shooter, he won't be back.
For anyone to believe that evolution is a 'proven fact' proves they are not looking at the facts themselves, nor even looking at them realistically. For them to tell us to 'open our eyes' is really a statement of how closed their own eyes happen to be. Think about it:
According to evolution's own theory (and 'theory' is all it has ever been called), evolution is driven by the need to adopt in order to survive. So then, why have we never observed a species evolving? It's because 'it takes millions and millions of years.'
Well in that case, we see a species surviving just fine for millions of years, even without evolving. So where is the argument that they needed to evolve in order to survive?
In order for evolution to be a viable theory, even in purely scientific terms, it needs to operate fairly spontaneously, almost as quickly as the conditions themselves change. Otherwise the species dies because it cannot adapt quickly enough to survive. And if this were the case, we could observe it often and even reproduce it in a laboratory - as true science does.
So is this the sort of 'light' science has to offer? The truth is, modern sceince is extremely biased against God. Their premise so often seems to be, 'let's set aside what God has already said, and think of something else'. They have totally closed their minds to the very possibility of God. Look how ridiculously they are screaming at the Intelligent Design debate. But if they were truly objective, even in scientific terms they would readily allow it's merit.
Evolution itself, therefore, is merely a religious belief - or more precisely, the counter belief of the irreligious, which amounts to the same thing. And they certainly take more by 'faith' than we do! At least the things we believe do not contradict themselves.
If 'anonymous' thinks that science can 'well prepare them for life', I would like to tell them very soberly that, one way or the other, without any doubt whatsoever, they will not feel the same way about that statement on the Day of Judgment, when the life they have lived is reviewed. And God has given us assurance that He intends to do this by raising Jesus Christ from the dead, that He may be judge of the living and the dead at His appearing.
This is not only our warning, but as you pointed out, it is our hope. Or I should say, He is our hope. My further hope in this case is that our anonymous friend may share in this hope with us, so he can rejoice and truly prepare for the genuine, eternal future that awaits us all.
By the way, I was once on his side of the debate and look at me now. If he does return, I hope this, too, will speak to him.
loren, at 8/10/05 12:36 PM
I think I've been hit by anonymous too. Good spirit in responding.
I teach my children about the Lord for the very purpose of preparing them properly for life: this one and the one to come.
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Anonymous, at 30/1/07 7:23 AM
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