Autonomy of the Local Church
Let's get back to our study on the Biblical Distinctives of Baptists. We have covered the "B" which stands for Biblical Authority (I discussed different ways that Baptists might approach the Bible, but we should all agree that it has Authority.) Now we will move on to the "A" ...
The Autonomy of the local church is one of the premiere distinctives of biblical Baptists. Very few churches can lay claim to this one. Most main line churches eschew it, yet it is what Baptists believe best represents the New Testament pattern for local churches. The words “autonomy”, “independent”, and “sovereignty”, all mean “self- rule” or “self- governing”. In other words, biblical Baptists have no outside ecclesiastic control. No hierarchy of any kind. No district superintendent. No Synods, General Assemblies, Bishops, Cardinals, or Popes. Biblical Baptists are distinctly autonomous in their human government. However, even though biblical Baptists are autonomous they do follow an authority structure.
The question is, “Who is in charge then?” Bishop (overseer), pastor (shepherd), elder (presbyter), are three words that describe the pastor who is designated in Scriptures as an officer (1Tim. 3:1), but the pastor does not control a biblical Baptist church. So called elder rule is not the best model to follow. The deacon is a helper of the pastor and the servant of the church, and is also designated in Scriptures as an officer (1Tim. 3:10), but deacons are not in control of a biblical Baptist church (If God permits I will cover the subject of these two, possibly three offices in a later post). The Church (including the pastor/s, the deacons, and the congregation) has the final say in the official business of the church (as we will see). In fact biblical Baptists have both a Congregational and Presbyterian model of government, yet the church is not in control of a biblical Baptist church.
Yes, the Church disciplines its own members (Matt.18:15-17).
Yes, the Church appoints its own deacons (Acts 6: 1-7).
Yes, the Church sends out its own missionaries. Missionaries are accountable to the Church (Acts 13:1-3; 14:26, 27).
Yes, the Church judges and restores its own members (1Cor.5:1-5, 12, 13; 1Cor.2:5:7).
Yet each Church is accountable to God (Rev. 2-3) this is a hint to our question.
Getting back to the question, “Who is in charge then?” The answer is found in the Bible. The Bible (God’s Word) is the authority, no mater how we approach it, and we read (in Eph. 1:22 and Col. 1:18) that Christ is the Head of the church. Godly pastors, deacons and church members directed by Jesus Christ Himself, the Head of the church by His Holy Spirit working together to go in God’s direction. There are biblical guidelines to follow; God is not saying, “OK. You take over from here, best of luck to you.” Each church member must be tuned into God through His word and prayer. The authority resides in the total membership under the control of Christ. The natural consequence or privilege is that each member has greater responsibility for the conduct and direction of the church than members of other hierarchal groups. I will touch on these responsibilities in the priesthood of every believer. Does your local church follow this model or some other form? What duties do you have that contribute to your local fellowship?
“What a lovely and delightful relationship exists between pastor, deacons and people when all are subject to Christ the Head.” (Dr. Paul Jackson, National Representative of the GARBC from 1960-1969)
The best expression of Christian fellowship is within a Bible believing church!
The Autonomy of the local church is one of the premiere distinctives of biblical Baptists. Very few churches can lay claim to this one. Most main line churches eschew it, yet it is what Baptists believe best represents the New Testament pattern for local churches. The words “autonomy”, “independent”, and “sovereignty”, all mean “self- rule” or “self- governing”. In other words, biblical Baptists have no outside ecclesiastic control. No hierarchy of any kind. No district superintendent. No Synods, General Assemblies, Bishops, Cardinals, or Popes. Biblical Baptists are distinctly autonomous in their human government. However, even though biblical Baptists are autonomous they do follow an authority structure.
The question is, “Who is in charge then?” Bishop (overseer), pastor (shepherd), elder (presbyter), are three words that describe the pastor who is designated in Scriptures as an officer (1Tim. 3:1), but the pastor does not control a biblical Baptist church. So called elder rule is not the best model to follow. The deacon is a helper of the pastor and the servant of the church, and is also designated in Scriptures as an officer (1Tim. 3:10), but deacons are not in control of a biblical Baptist church (If God permits I will cover the subject of these two, possibly three offices in a later post). The Church (including the pastor/s, the deacons, and the congregation) has the final say in the official business of the church (as we will see). In fact biblical Baptists have both a Congregational and Presbyterian model of government, yet the church is not in control of a biblical Baptist church.
Yes, the Church disciplines its own members (Matt.18:15-17).
Yes, the Church appoints its own deacons (Acts 6: 1-7).
Yes, the Church sends out its own missionaries. Missionaries are accountable to the Church (Acts 13:1-3; 14:26, 27).
Yes, the Church judges and restores its own members (1Cor.5:1-5, 12, 13; 1Cor.2:5:7).
Yet each Church is accountable to God (Rev. 2-3) this is a hint to our question.
Getting back to the question, “Who is in charge then?” The answer is found in the Bible. The Bible (God’s Word) is the authority, no mater how we approach it, and we read (in Eph. 1:22 and Col. 1:18) that Christ is the Head of the church. Godly pastors, deacons and church members directed by Jesus Christ Himself, the Head of the church by His Holy Spirit working together to go in God’s direction. There are biblical guidelines to follow; God is not saying, “OK. You take over from here, best of luck to you.” Each church member must be tuned into God through His word and prayer. The authority resides in the total membership under the control of Christ. The natural consequence or privilege is that each member has greater responsibility for the conduct and direction of the church than members of other hierarchal groups. I will touch on these responsibilities in the priesthood of every believer. Does your local church follow this model or some other form? What duties do you have that contribute to your local fellowship?
“What a lovely and delightful relationship exists between pastor, deacons and people when all are subject to Christ the Head.” (Dr. Paul Jackson, National Representative of the GARBC from 1960-1969)
The best expression of Christian fellowship is within a Bible believing church!
I agree with this one!:-)
Jeremy Weaver, at 8/10/05 5:53 AM
Hey Jeremy,
I'm sure there are a great number of biblical doctrines we will agree on and many, many political, and social issues too. I was just discussing blogging (my new found hobby) with my pastor; I told him how enjoyable it was to have biblical discussions with others in Christ. It seems there is a much clearer understanding than what has been my experience in controversy with ecclesiastical liberals. And since I have not yet arrived completely in my spiritual development I could stand to learn a thing or two,from you.
Growing in Him,
Brother John
J. Wendell, at 8/10/05 8:44 AM
Great post. You've got a good way with words. I will be back!
Shelley L. MacKenzie, at 8/10/05 11:49 AM
So, the Bible, which tells us to keep slaves and keep our women subserviant, is the absolute authority? Ever think that maybe God can be found through inward spitirual investigation, and not from a book written by man that has been translated so many times no one is sure what the original said?
One more question, and I am very interested in your take on this. For all the people who were not introduced to Jesus by a worldly source aka. man, and therefor have no concept of Cthrist, is the only thing they have to look forward to eternal damnation?
Al, at 8/10/05 4:29 PM
Just take what you here from me with a grain of salt. I'm sure your pastor is much more enlightened and enlightening.
Jeremy Weaver, at 8/10/05 7:24 PM
Hi Shelly-
Thanks for your kind words, you are always welcome to stop by.
Al, glad you stopped by.
To answer the question in your final paragraph: consider
John Chapter 1:9-11 says, "[Jesus] was the true Light, which lights every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not."
. . . and this taken from Rom. 1:15-21 “…I am ready to preach the gospel to you…For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith.’ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”
When a person acts on the enlightenment that they HAVE received from God, then I am convinced (from the Bible) that He gives them more understanding. You may join the great king David and ask, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.”(Psalm 119:18) Right now, I think you should be more concerned about YOUR OWN soul than a hypothetical person in Bora Bora or wherever. God is providing missionaries to people in many lands as they are being obedient to the “light” that they have. See my post on the Pilet family.
About slaves and women and such, it seems someone has done violence in representing Scripture to you in these areas. Don’t be afraid of the Bible . . . read it for yourself. Say… why not start reading the book of John today?
You may wish to explore my first couple of posts found in the archives section. Regardless, come back if you need further clarification.
Brother Jeremy -
I will take you as I see you (big head and all) and nothing more or less (the same as I do for my pastor or ANY anthropos). You impress me as a godly saint pursuing Christ passionately. I would that others followed this pursuit. There you have it, Salty.
Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus,
brother John
J. Wendell, at 9/10/05 12:49 PM
Thanks for the response. I found your answer interesting but unsatisfying. It feels almost as if you are dancing around the question, when all I am looking for is a simple yes or no. For the people who have not been exposed to God through wordly means ie. missionaries, and therefor have no knowledge of Him, what awaits them after death? This applies to the majority of the world's population, including Hindus, Muslims, etc.
As for slavery in the bible, it's there along with quite a bit of violence that is not always condemned, and sometimes even encouraged (against those of different faiths). Normally I would not bring it up, but for someone who quotes the Bible and seems to take it literally, I was curious about what you thought of this. I believe the Bible is much more symbolic in nature, and often its stories are meant to convey an overall message ie. a parabel.
Thanks for the answer, maybe you can simplify it to a yes or no (since the question is very sraightforward).
Al, at 9/10/05 2:26 PM
Welcome back Al,
Yes, I can answer that in a very straight forward manner, and I will.
However, my present concern is that you may not know the reality of a having a Father/son relationship with the One true and living God, and it would be my hope that you would come to trust Him alone for salvation. You see, Al, I was very much like you ... I taunted Christians with a vengence. They came from everywhere, telling me I must be "born again". My neighbors, at football games, and even rock concerts, would insist that I needed to know Christ. Having a religious background, I knew enough Bible to keep them off my back. What a pesty, persistent bunch they (we) were (are). I couldn't doubt their sincerity, but, like you, I questioned whether or not what they were saying was right. I investigated many different religions, but the words kept coming back at me, "you must be born again." Having a deep sense of my own guilt from sin, I threw myself on the mercy of God, stopped resisting the Spirit, and trusted that He had done for me what I needed . . . He died on the cross and rose again, conquering sin and death. I cling to that with my whole trust and confidence. I know heaven is my home, not because of my goodness, but because of God's grace alone. Again, you can read about this in the gospel of John.
Now getting back to your non-hypothetical question . . . the Bible is clear: there is only one way to heaven ... Jesus Christ alone. So if these people you are asking about never hear of Him, they can't trust Him and their eternal destination must be Hell, unless their situation changes. But, (and here is the real issue for you), they will be joined by many who HAVE heard and will not respond ... I pray you will not be one of these.
In His care, John
keep coming back!
J. Wendell, at 9/10/05 3:34 PM
I hope you don't think I am taunting you. Far from it, I am just asking some of the questions that turned me into an agnostic. I have a strong Christian upbringing, and for the longest time I believed just because people told me to. Then I realized that if I wasn't feeling the Holy Spirit in me, why should I pretend to? I have a very logical mind (which God gave to me), so I know that if I ever truly develop faith (meaning I believe completely, not like the majority of Christians out there), it will be through my own experiences and investigation.
Now according to you (and the Bible), because I choose to believe only what I percieve (and not through faith in something for which I have no proof) I will burn in Hell for eternity. And the same goes for the majority of the world's population. And all the other intelligent life in the universe. This is a major sticking point in my move away from Christianity. I think most likely there is a higher being of sorts, and that He is beyond anything we can comprehend, and that his love for us isn't unconditional, it's a concept that is beyond our understanding. What I can not believe is that God would be so petty as to create all these people, give them analytical minds, watch as other religions flood the earth, and then condemn the majority to Hell. I don't understand how that can be considered loving.
Don't get me wrong, I don't look down upon you because of your beliefs. I just know that simply having another man tell me "this is the one true God" isn't enough to make me believe in full. How can it be, when history shows that man is quite notorious for lying, misinterpreting, and generally messing things up? Why can't I find God on my own, without your wordly source? I am a good person, and I try to live for others and to make the world a better place. Just because I am not positive that the Christian God is IT, I should be damned? That sounds evil to me ;)
Al, at 10/10/05 7:06 PM
Thanks for coming back. I want to work through this with you. I appreciate your sincerity too. I meant to say, “I taunted Christians.” I in no way feel that you are doing this! BTW, I might’ve thought that at first because I noticed in your profile and under interests it says you like to “[mess] with people.”
I’m glad that you are not gullible. The need to analyze, grasp and understand is very important. I do not encourage “blind faith”. I hope I can help it make sense to you. My wife was a lot like you and I. She really has to analyze everything! You should read her story … it might be helpful.
Please understand, the Bible indicates that God alone is perfect and ALL of mankind deserves separation from His holy presence in that place of eternal darkness. Why? Because all have sinned and are not fit to be in His presence. Perhaps they CAN’T be in His presence because they would just burn up because of the contamination of sin and the perfect Holiness of the Almighty. But He has provided a way of escape for you and me. God became a man … He took on the name Jesus. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost (people). I cannot save the lost…no religion can save the lost. No sacrament can save the lost. No good works can save you, either. What do I mean? You have sin on you, like all of mankind, and sin must be punished. Jesus Christ (the God-man) was punished for the sins of the whole world! We must trust Him and His Word that He can indeed cleanse us from the filth of this sin. He is the only one who can do this. This does not mean, “clean up your life” or “turn over a new leaf” or anything like that. It is more like seeing that you are guilty and “throwing yourself on the mercy of the court.” As any born-again Christian will tell you … after you do this and He enters your life, things DO change, but its not because you are “trying so hard” or “beating yourself up.” You just suddenly become a new person … a new person that is somehow wonderfully fit for God’s presence (even though you’re still not perfect as you live out your life) because Christ took your punishment and you will no longer “burn up: because now you are viewed by God as “in Christ”.
You can go to this link (my archives) and read the “what is saving faith?” post. This may further explain.
KEEP coming back!
J. Wendell, at 10/10/05 10:17 PM
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