Individual Soul Liberty
Here are some thoughts on this topic:
What ISL is not.
ISL is not justification for disobeying Scripture.
A believer may choose to obey or disobey God’s Word, but disobedience is not justified. “My Bible calls it SIN!” (Sketch Erickson)
An unbeliever has liberty to remain in unbelief, but is not free from the consequences.
No one has the right to do as he wishes without regards to others. This is especially true for believers (see Rom. 14). Here are some examples:
I have freedom to drink wine, but not to get drunk.
While at a Jewish Bar mitzvah (when it is recognized that a boy becomes a man) I do not want to offend my Jewish friends by not drinking a glass of wine which they have provided for the occasion. So I partake… I have NOT sinned!
However, if there is a certain sister in Christ with me who has a particular weakness in the area of drunkenness, then I will abstain so I do not offend her. I will be as gracious as possible not to unnecessarily offend anyone, but I am bound to those in Christ first… I have NOT sinned!
ISL is not short for island!
We are not a law to ourselves. I can’t go driving my Neon through traffic like it’s a bumper car track or a rollercoaster ride. In the church I can’t just go on my own little soapbox and expound it to the death (usually the death of the doctrine, or the death of the learners, not the death of me).
We are a church, individuals banned together for the common purpose, to glorify God.
- To Exalt Christ
- To Edify the saints
- To Evangelize the lost
- To Encourage one another
My liberty does not take for granted nor infringe upon your liberty.
Some one said, “Your liberty to throw punches ends where my nose begins!”
Unprovoked, and out of the clear blue sky, a customer of mine announced in a harrumph, “I believe in homosexual marriages, a woman’s right to choose an abortion for any reason, and that it’s OK to burn our flag!” My response, “Hi [Tom], I couldn’t disagree with you more on each of those issues, but I would fight for your freedom to express your opinions.” This ended the discussion and left him scratching his head. I think it threw him off a bit that I didn’t get on my moral high horse and gallop all over his twisted “beliefs”. The point is: it is hypocritical to desire liberty for oneself and not extend it to others.
ISL has also been called the doctrine of the priesthood of the believer practically considered. (God’s Blueprint for a Church, K.H. Good, RBP). I like that idea because no one has more liberty than those God calls His priests. K.H. Good makes an interesting observation about the Reformers who spoke out against “…priestcraft that began in the third century abscessing in the apostasies of Rome’s rituals.” Yet, “…the development of the doctrine of conscience never reached its full application. …this principal was latent with the Reformers but not emergent.” (K.H. Good p.91; cf. Calvin’s Institutes Vol. II page 141) or click here.
Puritans fleeing a church-controlled state came to the new country and began to set up a church-controlled state. Our look at ISL would not be complete if we did not mention Roger Williams and the roll he played in establishing a separation of powers. However, this will fit in nicely with the second S in our BAPTISTS acrostic when we will put “separation of church and state” under the spotlight. For now you may see also see Edward T. Hiscox Prop. III … (you’ll have to turn a few pages on this one.)
What is your view of freedom? Some hold the obnoxious idea that freedom means one can do as one pleases, but this leads to bondage. Truly, freedom is doing as one ought to do, not “whatever pleases me”, but “whatever pleases God”! This is true freedom and leads to true happiness and joy.
Once we roared like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security! The solution for America's problem is not in terms of big government, but it is in big men over whom nobody stands in control but God.
Norman Vincent Peale
American Protestant clergyman and writer, 1898-1993
The election must be conducted by the people, but votes should not be cast "in accord with their humors, but according to the will and law of God."
Benjamin Hart
We do have Liberty But God has the True way and the right way ..Using of soul without confliting with God way.
Great Thoughts
God Bless
forgiven, at 10/12/05 5:17 AM
A new post!
A good explanation of an important Baptist principle. Good stuff.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 10/12/05 6:00 AM
Good stuff, John.
What do you think about Confessions of Faith? Some say that they are infringements on our liberty as Christians, others say they are merely guidelines, and others say they are declarations of what we believe.
I guess my question for you is, "Do autonomous churches have the right to ask candidates for membership to affirm a 'Confession', and can they exercise chruch discipline over current members who no longer subscribe to that 'Confession'?"
I have my own opinion but would be interested in your views.
This is an area of controversy for some, so I'll understand if you don't want to address it.
Jeremy Weaver, at 10/12/05 9:06 AM
Hi Forgiven,
Thanks for stopping by ... you’ll want to stay tuned as I will go into the separation of powers from a biblical perspective (not a political perspective) soon after I deal with the two offices of the church.
Hi Matthew,
Nice to hear from you, I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Hi Jeremy,
I think confessions of faith can be very useful. I have a good Christian brother in Perrysburg named John. John left a church infected with the creeping crud of liberalism and formed an independent church. The root of the problem was that he (John) came to the realization that his denomination no longer held in practice to the Westminster Confession. The new Church now has a pastor, elders, deacons and the last we spoke it was continuing to grow in spirituality and in numbers. They give away a short catechism of the Westminster confession to let others know just where they stand, and they stand firm!
D.L. Moody, on the other hand said, “... we need no creed but Christ ... we need no confession but the Bible!” Moody, of course, preached the Bible, so, for him, it was not the ecumenical whine, “Can’t we forget doctrine and just love Jesus?” I can see both a strength and a weakness. I am not trying to skirt the issue here and give a double message but I think it depends on the confession whether or not I personally would endorse such a document.
Further, I hope I make a case for the authority and liberty of each local church. A story has been told by one of my most respected Bible teachers, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum (he happens to be Jewish). One day, visiting a Baptist church, he noticed on the back wall a list called, “the dirty dozen” and another called, “the sinful seven.” At the end of the service, a man came up to greet him and said, “Isn’t it great to be freed from the law?” His response was that he wasn’t so sure after looking at these lists of “do”s and “don’t”s ... like stepping out of the frying pan into the fire.
The bottom line is: any local church may have whatever restrictions or articles they choose as a church. Members of that church must submit or they have the liberty to leave that fellowship. This is not legalism. If a church decided they want to have service on a Saturday afternoon instead of Sunday, that is a local church decision.
J. Wendell, at 10/12/05 11:42 AM
Its interesting John this post nicely overlaps some reading I am doing for the Cooperative Program class I am finishing here at Southern. The way I understood ISL was that it was more like Individual Soul Responsbility. That we are responsbility for how we respond and what we do with the Gospel.
John, at 12/12/05 11:05 PM
Hi John,
What a great thought on how to apply this doctrine. With privilege comes responsibility. The greater the privilege the greater the responsibility.
Thanks for stopping by,
brother John
J. Wendell, at 13/12/05 5:17 AM
"With great power comes great responsibility."-Ben Parker
Jeremy Weaver, at 13/12/05 8:04 AM
The Plymouth Brethren were never keen on the idea of liberty to do what you want. Darby continually attacked the evil of doing according to your own will. However, he certainly believed in the liberty to minister as God leads.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at 13/12/05 10:26 AM
You have said it well.
All things are permissable, not all things are expedient.
Joe, at 14/12/05 7:28 AM
You have done much research. I respect that. I like your illustration of being free to drink wine at that celebration;but, also being sensitive to stumbling somebody.
Let all be done to the glory of God!
mark pierson, at 19/12/05 12:34 PM
John, I appreciate your passion for local church in a time in church history that significantly and systematically downplays the authority Scripture places in the local church. You know my passion for the ministry of the local church as the means of God working in this period of time.
Having said that, I wonder out loud (or at least in print) if it is possible to place such a priority on the authority of the church or on the individuals soul liberty (which is better biblically stated "individual soul responsibility - as JohnnyBronco mentioned) that we diminish the ultimate authority, namely the Scripture.
For example, you said... "The bottom line is: any local church may have whatever restrictions or articles they choose as a church. Members of that church must submit or they have the liberty to leave that fellowship. This is not legalism. If a church decided they want to have service on a Saturday afternoon instead of Sunday, that is a local church decision."
A local church, by congregational vote or elder decision, cannot add to or take away from the clear teaching of the Scripture. A local church does not have the right to impose extrabiblical standards on a believer and call that holiness. Does it? Can a church disregard the the NT priciple of The Lord's Day simply because they want to and have a right to because of the autonomy of the local church?
No one principle of theology can stand in isolation. Truth is a full body that works together. The authority of the local church and the rights of each individual believer cannot stand apart from bibliology.
Just some thoughts...
Grace to you!
Dave, at 20/12/05 11:44 AM
Hi Reformer,
Amen! Yes, I know your passion about all things biblical I am glad to know you, you are a brother in truth, and a blessing as a friend I am glad to know someone who is an open and honest person, as you are.
I appreciate your thoughts here. You have raised a number of great questions that either I did not address in this post or I didn’t make my thoughts on it clear. I should have, because there are clear biblical limits of liberty. I see four (perhaps there are more or shades of the same) paramiters God has set that ISL must stay within; if we stay within these paramiters, we have true ISL. I am not including salvation here since I did explain that, “An unbeliever has liberty to remain in unbelief, but is not free from the consequences…[(ie. eternity in that literal place of torment, hell)].”
1. “ISL is not justification for disobeying Scripture.” A believer may choose to obey or disobey God’s Word, but disobedience is not justified
2. No one has the right to do as he wishes without regards to others. We should be aware of the impact our actions have on others even if they are not forbidden in the Bible.
3. One is not a a law to onesself. I am not a Law to myself. You are not a law to yourself.
4. We must not disregaurd others’ liberty.
Reformer said,
“…better biblically stated "individual soul responsibility…”.
I will honor your liberty to hold this view, with the hope that you will honor mine, and other Baptists who have gone on before… that stand, fight, have died, and those of us who still live to make sure this precious doctine is not watered down, or regulated to a legalistic set of standards for anyone (The Pharisees’ Guide to Total Holiness by W.L. Coleman was a good read for this former legalist).
Reformer said,
“I wonder… if it is possible to place such a priority on the authority of the church or on the individuals soul liberty … that we diminish the ultimate authority, namely the Scripture.”
As I said in my post,
“Truly, freedom is doing as one ought to do, not “whatever pleases me”, but “whatever pleases God”
In reply to John I said,
“What a great thought on how to apply this doctrine. With privilege comes responsibility.”
Reformer, you quoted me here:
“For example, you said... ‘The bottom line is: any local church may have whatever restrictions or articles they choose as a church. Members of that church must submit, or they have the liberty to leave that fellowship. This is not legalism. If a church decided they want to have service on a Saturday afternoon instead of Sunday, that is a local church decision.’"
Dave, I stand by this, because Scripture does not teach a “Christian Sabbath” nor is it commanded that Sunday or Saturday is the “day” of gathering together corporately to worship.
Reformer said,
“A local church, by congregational vote or elder decision, cannot add to or take away from the clear teaching of the Scripture.”
Amen! Note in my post, and on this thread, the four paramiters: Scripture, other persons, church, and respect for others’ liberty. (BTW, you should see my post on Biblical Authority. This post is NOT about authority, but liberty!)
Reformer said,
“A local church does not have the right to impose extrabiblical standards on a believer and call that holiness. Does it?... Can a church disregard the the NT priciple of The Lord's Day simply because they want to and have a right to because of the autonomy of the local church?”
My answer was in reply to questions of confession of faith, the word right is a strong word, but I will have to answer Y-E-S, albeit with a multitude of qualifiers.
Firstly, any group, organization, or company within the the boarders of the USA has complete freedom within the guidelines of commonly accepted morals and constituted law to do as they wish. However, this may lead to bondage rather than liberty.
Secondly, this also extends to any group or organization that deems itself as a “church.” Biblicaly speaking, a church is made up of saints, not “sinners.” My next post (Why Must I be Saved to Join Your Church?) will make this point more clear.
Thirdly, the church we attend follows these laws and complies with them (eg. building codes, fire safty laws, and add to it no food or drink in the sanctuary, no dancing or alcohaol at wedding feasts or communion services. BTW where in the NT is a sanctuary/auditorium mentioned?), and they are not to be found in the Bible.
Reformer said,
“No one principle of theology can stand in isolation. Truth is a full body that works together. The authority of the local church and the rights of each individual believer cannot stand apart from bibliology.”
Amen! This is why we have liberty! We have liberty to read the Bible ourselves and have the Lord guide our conscience in matters of practice, rather than having another person’s interpretation/application of said scripture dictate our practices.
Here again, on this post I was not seeking to answer “rights” nor “authority” questions, but to promote the idea of ISL. “Liberty…” as I have stressed, “….is the freedom to do as one ought, NOT the freedom to do as one pleases [regardless of consequences and responsibility].”
Dave thanks for contributing here, I value your opinions.
Note: One may think I am splitting hairs here and not honoring the spirit in which these questions were intended, but the questions themselves might have seemed to be born out of contension, rather than honoring the intended spirit of this post. Dave and I are on the same team!
J. Wendell, at 21/12/05 10:54 AM
Hi Matthew,
I like that John Nelson Darby, thanks for echoing his thoughts here.
Hi Joe,
I could have saved a lot of time if I would have thought of that line before I did this post:)
Hi Mark,
That is the truth what trouble we would save for ourselves if we gave thanks to God for everything, and did everything with the intent of glorifying Him.
Thanks to all who contribute here!
Growing in grace,
Brother John
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