The Fundamentals of the Faith (conclusion)
Earnestly Contend for the Faith!
Presently, there are movements, crusades, organizations, conventions, associations, churches, and individuals which promote or practice glaring error in a purposefully subtly manner. Some groups boldly flat out deny the fundamentals of the faith and do not preach the whole Word of God. Biblical Christians are responsible for the resources that God puts into their care: time, abilities, and material goods. Why would a biblical Christian allow these precious resources of His to be used by such groups? We need to be mentally intelligent and spiritually discerning in all of our stewardship.
The fight is not just the battle of pastors and deacons. Jude said, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 3) The “Beloved” here refers to the members of the local church that is being addressed by Jude and yet it can be applied to all who are in the faith. Fighting the good fight of faith is for every Bible believer lest we fall into the tragedy of compromise.
Perhaps God has spoken to your heart through this publication. You may have discovered your need for a relationship the real Jesus, the God-Man spoken of in the Bible. You may trust in Him right now, and pray that God will lead you to a Bible believing, fundamental church. If you wish I will send you literature to get you going in the right direction (use the email link to send your address to me).
No church is perfect, but you may have discovered, as you read these publications that you are in an organization that does not adhere completely to these vital fundamentals of the faith. It may seem difficult to you, but the Bible gives this clear command with a promise, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” (2Cor. 6:17) If you are not sure if the church or organization you are now a part of is secure in the biblical fundamentals spoken of here, or if you would like information on finding a solid Fundamental Bible Church near you, please use the email link with your concern or request, I will help you as much as I can.
Related and recommended books are:
The Fundamentals, Edited by R.A. Torrey, Kregel Publications, is available at most Christian book stores
Biblical Separation: The Struggle For A Pure Church, by Ernest Pickering, Regular Baptist Press
In Pursuit of Purity: American Fundamentalism Since 1850, by David O. Beale Unusual Publications
Questions and/or comments are welcomed and appreciated. All correspondences are confidential except in public forum. They may be sent directly to the author who is solely responsible for the content herein. Publications on other topics are available upon request using the email link.
These publications may be copied and distributed in there entirety without consent or permission. “Freely you have received, freely give” Matt. 10:8.
The Earnest Contender
J. Wendell Cole
Presently, there are movements, crusades, organizations, conventions, associations, churches, and individuals which promote or practice glaring error in a purposefully subtly manner. Some groups boldly flat out deny the fundamentals of the faith and do not preach the whole Word of God. Biblical Christians are responsible for the resources that God puts into their care: time, abilities, and material goods. Why would a biblical Christian allow these precious resources of His to be used by such groups? We need to be mentally intelligent and spiritually discerning in all of our stewardship.
The fight is not just the battle of pastors and deacons. Jude said, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 3) The “Beloved” here refers to the members of the local church that is being addressed by Jude and yet it can be applied to all who are in the faith. Fighting the good fight of faith is for every Bible believer lest we fall into the tragedy of compromise.
Perhaps God has spoken to your heart through this publication. You may have discovered your need for a relationship the real Jesus, the God-Man spoken of in the Bible. You may trust in Him right now, and pray that God will lead you to a Bible believing, fundamental church. If you wish I will send you literature to get you going in the right direction (use the email link to send your address to me).
No church is perfect, but you may have discovered, as you read these publications that you are in an organization that does not adhere completely to these vital fundamentals of the faith. It may seem difficult to you, but the Bible gives this clear command with a promise, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” (2Cor. 6:17) If you are not sure if the church or organization you are now a part of is secure in the biblical fundamentals spoken of here, or if you would like information on finding a solid Fundamental Bible Church near you, please use the email link with your concern or request, I will help you as much as I can.
Related and recommended books are:
The Fundamentals, Edited by R.A. Torrey, Kregel Publications, is available at most Christian book stores
Biblical Separation: The Struggle For A Pure Church, by Ernest Pickering, Regular Baptist Press
In Pursuit of Purity: American Fundamentalism Since 1850, by David O. Beale Unusual Publications
Questions and/or comments are welcomed and appreciated. All correspondences are confidential except in public forum. They may be sent directly to the author who is solely responsible for the content herein. Publications on other topics are available upon request using the email link.
These publications may be copied and distributed in there entirety without consent or permission. “Freely you have received, freely give” Matt. 10:8.
The Earnest Contender
J. Wendell Cole
This really was a great series of posts.
Just a few questions-
Would it have been appropriate for a statement about the Church to have been included in the Fundamentals? If not, why not?
If there had been a statement about the Church, what ought it to have been?
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew Celestine, at 5/6/06 8:13 AM
I once heard it said, "If you find the perfect church, don't go there, because you'll ruin it."
jeff, at 5/6/06 9:08 AM
Great questions.
To answer the first, I would say, “No and Yes.”
“No”, else I would have included it.
“Yes”, because they were all intended for the church. These fundamentals should help us as individuals and churches (congregations if one prefers) to evaluate the doctrines that really matter, the one’s that bind us together and give us, collectively the priorities of our presentation of Christ to the world. That is why I make an appeal or a charge at the close... to find a group that defends these truths, and have nothing to do with groups that do not. There is no use in discussing eschatology, or hamartiology, pneumatology, or any other theological idea within a “fellowship” (using the term loosely) that denies any of these foundational truths.
To your second question, let me say this, these series were about the church. Now, as to what “local church” one should attend and serve I would say one that is solid in these fundamentals.
As you know, I also did an expose' on Biblical Baptists. I find much comfort in this group and would recommend Biblical Baptists to anyone for consideration of fellowship. Yet, at the same time recognize that there are many other fine fundamentalist groups.
Was this helpful?
J. Wendell, at 8/6/06 6:15 AM
Jeff~ well put.
J. Wendell, at 8/6/06 6:16 AM
Thanks for that answer.
Matthew Celestine, at 9/6/06 4:00 AM
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