Truth Warrior

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Leave No Trace

The famous Boy Scout motto “Leave no trace” means that at each and every (BSA) event, the Boy Scouts are committed not to leave any trace of evidence behind of their presence. They keep their area that clean. More often than not parks across this land have had the benefit of having the BSA come and leave the park cleaner than when they arrived.

I was thinking of this motto when a question was raised in my mind. As believers are we committed to “leave no trace” when it comes to sin? I understand that those of us in Christ are viewed by God as He views His own Son. Theologians call this positional sanctification. One day everyone who has trusted in Jesus for eternal life will be affirmed in His holiness. This is known as perfect sanctification. How about right now? What about the way we work out our own sanctification? This could be called progressive sanctification. What are some practical steps we can take to “leave no trace”? Here are some pointed questions I have asked myself, and in God’s strength am becoming sanctified in them. You can too.

When I drive, am I more careful today than in the past to obey the law of the land, and am I more courteous toward other drivers?

While on the internet, am I more careful today than in the past of the sites I choose view?

While in the parks, and public places am I more careful not to liter?

What about at home, in church, with friends, at work?

I am not asking these things to become a better Scout. My desire is to become a better representative of Christ.

Stay salty,
Brother John


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