The Imperative of Immediate Belief
“There are some of you standing in these aisles and sitting in these pews, who I feel in my soul will never have another invitation, and if this be rejected today, I feel a solemn motion in my soul--I think it is of the Holy Ghost--that you will never hear another faithful sermon, but you shall go down to hell impenitent, unsaved, except ye trust in Jesus now. I speak not as a man, but I speak as God’s ambassador to your souls, and I command you, in God’s name, trust Jesus, trust now. At your peril reject the voice that speaks from heaven, for ‘he that believeth not shall be damned.’ How shall ye escape if ye neglect so great salvation? When it comes right home to you, when it thrusts itself in your way, oh, if ye will neglect it how can ye escape? With tears I would invite you, and, if I could, would compel you to come in. Why will ye not? O souls, if ye will be damned, if ye make up your mind that no mercy shall ever woo you, and no warnings shall ever move you, then, sirs, what chains of vengeance must you feel that slight these bonds of love. You have deserved the deepest hell, for you slight the joys above. God save you. He will save you, if you trust in Jesus. God help you to trust him even now, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.”
Charles H. Spurgeon
Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit
Vol. VIII (1862), p. 564
(italics in original)
This was sent to me from Doug Kutilek who sends out a mounthly publication called "As I See It" Doug also has a web site KJV Only.
Blessings upon you,
Brother John
Hello John,
I know this is an older post of yours, so I hope you see it. I found your site from the link on your wife's site. :-)
Just curious, do you know Doug Kutilek personally? I'm wondering since you said he sent you something, it sounded like you have had some personal interaction with him. I'm curious because I DO know Doug and his family, his and my family have a good amount of history. Seeing his name here was surprising! So I just thought I'd see how you know him. Thanks!
Rachel, at 27/11/07 3:21 PM
Hi Rachel,
I do not recall ever meeting him face to face. Doug Kutilek and I have a common connection through CBTS. We discovered this connection when I visited his fine web site KJOnlyism. We hold similar views on the Bible versions issue, and I am sure many other issues as well. I receive his news letters etc.
How do you know him and his family?
Are you close?
BTW I went to your web page it looks very sound. I will be sure to add it to my links.
Blessings upon you,
J. Wendell, at 28/11/07 6:20 AM
Hi John,
Thanks for adding our blog to your links.
I would not say that my family and I are "close" to the Kutileks, we have gone separate ways for quite some time now. But when I was in school our families had several connections. My brother took a Greek class from Doug in high school. Doug and his wife have 4 children, one of whom is the exact same age as me. She and I went to the same Christian school in junior high. This daughter of his and I were friends, but through some difficult circumstances that friendship was lost and she (and the family) left the school. By the time we got to college though, God had changed her heart and she has thanked me for my part in helping her become the person she is today. Another connection is that their family went to our church for awhile (we've moved from the city that church was in, so I have no idea if they are still there or not).
Kind of a small world sometimes, eh? ;-)
It looks like you have many interesting articles here, I will definitely be back to browse around!
Rachel, at 28/11/07 11:22 PM
Thank you for responding Rachel. I wish I had time just now to chat some more, but alas... I must be off.
J. Wendell, at 29/11/07 6:23 AM
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